Don't Retract Pack

The Really Good Gifts

It's been a wonderful season getting to know many of you ala holiday cards blessing our little mailbox and photos/stories emailed or posted to Facebook. Just for fun, we changed our FB page logo this week with a mosaic made up of your 'Santa Babies,' nativity characters, and smiling little ones with a special gleam in their eye.    

While the hours here are long and often late into the night after babes have gone to bed, and the pay is nothing more than knowing (maybe?) someone was helped today, the true irreplaceable gift comes in hearing from one of you: knowing that one baby, one child, one mom, one dad at a time, we each have the ability to better the world around us - even if in just a small way today.

The following is a sampling of clips from some of your 2010 letters that have offered encouragement in the midst of the occasional storm. To know we've made a positive impact on someone's life - now that is a really good gift!
It's so wonderful to know that I'm not alone in the way that I intuitively parent my child. I hope that you realize how much support you offer to new moms like myself by being such a warrior for children's rights! ~KD

I just wanted to write you to thank you for your blog and tireless activism. Ever since I can remember, being a parent didn't really appeal to me. I remember when all of my friends couldn't wait to have kids, but I never really wanted to delve into that world. It scared me, and it seemed so foreign. But now I've come to realize that it is mostly because I don't agree and don't feel comfortable with how most babies are raised. I read your site and your links and I just think, "YES! That is how it is supposed to be." Then everything seems to natural and normal, and it actually makes me excited to have kids. ~CM

I just wanted to write to offer you some encouragement, I re-post a lot of your articles (with links to your blog) on a parenting forum, and I have personally heard from at least ten parents who said the posts have saved their future sons from circumcision. :) So be encouraged! There may be some who don't care, but you are reaching a lot of people. ~SF

For eight months I struggled with thrush and mastitis and other infections, off and on so many drugs and I was told by everyone I knew to just stop breastfeeding. But I did what you suggested, and it was finally the solution I needed. I cannot thank you enough. I know you don't know me and I've bothered you with a lot of questions recently, but on behalf of my son and I, thank you, thank you! You've changed both our lives. ~HP

I just had to tell you about the 'book' I've made for my pregnant friend. I already gave her my copy of The Continuum Concept but I thought "what about the million other things I now know?!" So, I have created a folder crammed with info on EVERYTHING I could think of...and where did I get my inspiration for the subjects covered in my 'baby book?' of course! What a star you are. Thanks for changing lives! ~LS

I hated the idea of cosleeping when my wife first brought up the idea. But I did want her to be able to take care of our daughter in the easiest way possible. So when she found your article about making a crib into a cosleeper, we decided to give it a try. Shockingly, it works great and I guess I just wanted to say thanks for smoothing things out for us. It's our first baby and you've already offered us a lot. ~MP

When I was in nursing school three years ago I witnessed a circumcision for the first time. I could barely make it through the rest of the week there and have been anti-circ since. But it wasn't til I found your site that I had the understanding or gumption to speak up about this. Peaceful parenting turned me into an intactivist and I just wanted you guys to know that because of this nine other babies have been spared that horror I saw three years ago. Please keep posting, I'm sure there are others out there like me. ~SJ

I love it! It made my day to read your story! I wanted to jump up and down! And then how you made such an informed choice to stay with J-...and how you still lecture and share information and teach workshops and give so much to so many...These are dreams that I tell DH about lol! ~GD

Oh my gosh, I'm crying right now because without even knowing it I have been looking for your group since I had my first baby 6 years ago. YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much I needed it and how much I AM FINALLY HOME. So glad I found you. ~TF

I recently read that it's a normal and natural part of childhood to have heroes, and that you should have some of your own to model for your children so that they will know what makes a person worth looking up to. I do have one, [peaceful parenting], for giving a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves, and for helping me find such a voice of my own. ~AB

Guess what? E- is now 8 months old and we are still breastfeeding thanks to you! I devoured the books and used the things you sent me, and am so thankful for you answering all my questions. E- is a happy, healthy, guy because of all your work. ~HJ

Thought I'd let you know that I'd never thought about circumcision till I started reading your work. I just figured if we ever had a son he'd be circumcised like his father and like most other people I know... We are now expecting a little boy in Jan and I'm happy and confident to say he definitely will be kept intact. ~PB

I just read your post called My Day. I have been a fan of yours and your articles for a while and follow a little closer through Facebook. I just wanted to say how beautiful your article was. How pure and raw the words were. Your passion is healing and through that you have made countless differences in the lives of so many parents, children and communities. For that I am thankful. ~RD

Thank you for all the valuable and informative material you gave out at the pp workshop. I've passed it to several other parents in my circle and have already seen an increase in wise choices being made. xx ~MM

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for giving me a place to feel at home. I live in small-town-nowhere and am the black sheep of the flock. Just to have you there and meet other mamas in similar situations from your page has kept me going through the hardest year yet. I'm sure my kids are grateful too, even if they don't realize the reason our house is a more peaceful place. ~BK

My life is blissful, but I do have a husband and one son, both who are circumcised. I can't live with regret or questioning but I can grow, heal and make different choices next time. Through your work you are making a difference. Through your work you are helping women all over the world heal. Through your work you are! Sending you love, blissful blessings and hugs full of peace! ~DR

Just wanted to let you know you saved another from CIO. His mom was only given the terrible books at her shower and she had family telling her he needed to cry and warning her not to spoil him. When I met with her she was in tears because of the disconnect between what she knew in her heart to be right and what everyone else was suggesting. I gave her the Why Love Matters book that you gave to me last year and printed off several things for her. I'm happy that she has a new found confidence to listen to her baby and her instincts. ~WJ

Gracias...thank you for the touching response to my inquiries...maybe 'cuz it's late...your comment got me a little misty...your work is incredible...keep touching the lives of dads, kids, moms and families everywhere!!!!!!!!! Your message is fundamentally about LOVE. ~AG

I'm LDS and I haven't heard church leaders speak out about circumcision at all, but I have been very against it ever since I came across peaceful parenting about 9 months ago. I don't have children yet, but if I have a boy he will be intact, and since finding your site I've helped four friends obtain the faith based answers they need to take their babies home whole. ~HC

Thank you for the love and support you provided when S- passed away. It is sometimes a struggle every day just to wake up and make it through. I miss her so badly. But I appreciate the community and family I have found through peaceful parenting and the care and generosity given to us. You're a blessing that is far reaching. ~J.

My sister sent me to your site after she met you last week and the first thing I read was your post on breastfeeding while working. I was a little upset at first because I HAVE to work and would do anything to stay with my daughter. But after my initial knee-jerk reaction I realized you have a point. So we made a few adjustments just to see how it would work out and you know what? it helps! We're happier, more comfortable, and I am not as worried about my supply now. Thank you! I'm going to keep reading and see what else I find. ~KM

The peaceful parenting page is probably the only one I read all the time - and I don't even have a baby yet! The things you put out into the world have such a h.u.g.e impact on so many. My niece and nephew are better off because of what I send my brother from pp, and I know my own kids are going to be raised in the most natural, gentle, primal of ways now thanks to the insight and encouragement you've given me to follow what feels right. ~LR

Ok, it's Christmas Eve, my 2 little guys are sleeping peacefully snuggled up on either side of me, and I'm feeling a little mushy. I just wanted to send a virtual holiday hug and thank you for your friendship and all that you've brought me this year...a newfound sense of purpose, a tribe of wonderful primal mothers, greater confidence in my own mothering instincts, shared smiles and tears...among other things :) What they say is true ~ the greatest gifts of all don't come wrapped up in packages ♥ Much love to you this Christmas Eve! xox ~AB

There are so very many beautiful babies and joy-filled kiddos sent our way via photo... unfortunately we cannot display them all, but here is a handful of the splendor that is a gently parented child.

Thank you for sharing a piece of your lives, your hearts, your children with the rest of us. May you have a truly blessed Christmas and New Year.


1 comment:

  1. ::Tears:: - But happy tears, happy tears! You may not see a monetary benefit from what you do, but this is worth more than all the dollars and cents in the world - because it shows that you are changing it! And helping other to change it as well. And I think that on some level, deep in our souls, we all know that is what is really important and what we want to do - help others, help each other, and change the world for the better. So much love - for you and to you - for all that you do. <3
