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Keeping your child safe from allergies

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to keep your child safe from allergies. Whether they’re susceptible to allergens like dust or mites, or foods like peanuts or pineapple, there are plenty of steps you can take to keep them from experiencing a reaction. Utilize these tips to help prevent allergies from developing during the first two years of life, which is when experts agree that children are most likely to develop long-term sensitivities.

Install a UV Lamp

Even if you keep your home clean and tidy, there are still plenty of airborne allergens floating about. Pet dander, dust mites, and mold can all linger in the air and cause problems for your newborn child. One way to eliminate these hazards is by installing a UV lamp in your home. A UV lamp works by emitting ultraviolet light inside of your HVAC unit to help sterilize organic growth that happens inside the unit. While an air filter does catch most airborne particles, a UV lamp goes a step further by tackling everything it misses. In particular, UV lamps are great for reducing your child’s chance of developing asthma, catching a cold, or having any other allergy symptoms.

Avoid Scented Products

Scented soaps and perfumes can fix the lingering scent of a baby’s blowout. However, they could also be putting your child at risk for severe skin reactions, such as childhood eczema. If you don’t want your child to get dry, itchy skin, you should probably look into avoiding scented soaps, laundry detergent, and anything else that touches your baby’s skin. One in five kids develops eczema at some point, but luckily, its severity does decrease as they get older.

Feed Babies Breastmilk

As a new mom, you might be feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all, especially when it comes to feeding. You might be tempted to switch over to cow’s milk or formula in order to give yourself a break. However, doing so can put your baby at risk for a number of allergic reactions.

Drinking mother's milk helps a baby develop a healthy immune system that's prepared for exposure to allergens later in life. Plus, a mother’s milk has proteins that are safe for the baby. Cow’s milk can sometimes have a negative effect on the child, giving them stomach pain or diarrhea.

Introduce Food Slowly

Babies with parents who have a food allergy are much more likely to develop a similar condition, so it’s important to introduce new foods slowly to identify any issues. Always start with single-ingredient foods so you can immediately pinpoint any allergic reactions. Wait three to five days before introducing any new foods so your child's body has time to fully digest and process the initial food. Common food allergens, such as peanuts or shellfish, should be introduced after the baby has shown the ability to handle more basic food.

There’s no foolproof way to keeping your child safe from allergies. However, by taking these precautions, you can do your absolute best to protect them.

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