Don't Retract Pack

Babies Breastfeed for Many Reasons

"He's just feeding for comfort" is a comment breastfeeding supporters hear a lot. And why not? Anyone who has breastfed will soon come to realize that breastfeeding is about far more than just food. Yes it's handy that this act of liquid love is also optimally designed to grow and nourish our babies, but there is far more to it than that.

Of course babies ask to breastfeed when they're hungry. And they're hungry a lot! But they may also be thirsty and just want a quick drink, especially in hot weather. Or their bodies and brains may be in a fast period of growth which needs to be fueled. They may also ask to feed if they're feeling cold, if they want a cuddle, if they've missed you, if they're feeling lonely, or tired, or poorly, or scared. Or if they are in pain. All of these reasons are just as valid as hunger.

Breastfeeding your baby whenever they ask, ensures not only that they receive enough nutrition but that their physical and emotional needs are met as well.

-Kathryn Stagg IBCLC

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1 comment:

  1. Its hard to let go, but has to happen eventually. For us, there was virtually no more milk being made for about 6 months. It was all about everything else for our baby, and eventually we phased it out. She did great with the process; so lucky!
