Don't Retract Pack

Homeschooling Families: RELAX. It's summer.

By Sarah Painter

People. Relax. It's July 1st. It's summer. We homeschool.

Can we just quit with all of the preparation posts?

Can we just be moms?

Let me assure you that when your babies leave home, the last thing you are going to be concerned about is more Latin vocabulary. I understand reading a few books ahead, or listening to some books, if your year will be busy, but there is no reason to stress everyone out.

Challenge is absolutely, positively doable during the school year. And guess what? If it's not, then scale. If your life is so overwhelming that you cannot do Challenge per the guide, then scale it during the year.

There is no reason to ruin summer!

How many summers do we get in life? Eighteen. After 18, summers without stress no longer exist. If you are already living on one income, you might as well give your kids the summers you had as a kid. Ones filled with the pool, sleeping in, board games, bike rides, extra time with mom and dad, Traveling...

Building relationships and having fun with your kids IS CRITICAL.

Don't blow it off.

Enjoy summer and ease up on the school year prep. It can happen in August.

Trust me. I've been in Classical Conversations (CC) for over a dozen years. I've graduated a girl who finished her first year of college. I have four more behind her. You need the summers. Enjoy them. Relax. Read a book for fun.

Edited to add: I have ruffled all of the feathers of the planners of CC land. Just ignore my post and keep planning. No need to defend yourselves. This is a little tongue in cheek for the folks who want to join hands (metaphorically) and enjoy our summer.


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