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3 Ways to Get Help Recovering From Addiction

Recognizing that you're dealing with addiction is important enough on its own, but taking the next steps toward sobriety can seem daunting and terrifying. What should you do? Who can you turn to? During this frightening time, remember that you are not alone — before you find yourself frantically searching how to take suboxone, consider reaching out to a resource that can help you along your journey to get clean. Here are three great places you can find help in recovering from your addiction.

Speak With a Doctor

Your health and well-being are important to your doctor, and recovering from drug addiction is something a medical professional can absolutely help you with. Don't be afraid to talk to your regular physician; it's okay to open up to them and ask for help. Your doctor can most likely point you in the right direction for rehab and support services, and may even be able to refer you to a specialist or facility for additional help. Along with this, your doctor can help monitor your symptoms when going through withdrawal and can recommend treatment and methods to ease the severity of withdrawal.

Consider Rehabilitation

Rehab facilities exist for one purpose: to help people suffering from addiction make it through the withdrawal period and ultimately become sober. There are countless facilities across the country that are fully staffed with caring professionals dedicated to helping you beat addiction once and for all. You can speak with your doctor for a referral, or you can do your own research and find a facility that will best fit your needs. For drug detoxing, most facilities usually do a 5 to 15 day stay, but some may offer longer periods of board to help reduce the risk of relapsing.

Join a Recovery Support Group

You are not alone in your battle, and you have never been alone. Countless others have dealt with addiction and made the journey to sobriety; support groups composed of other individuals who have been in your shoes are designed to help you deal with difficult emotions, reduce the potential for relapse and encourage you to build connections with friends and loved ones that will stand the test of time. Recovery support groups exist for specific addictions like alcoholism, but there are also generalized support groups that cater to all manner of people recovering from dependency.
No matter what you're going through, help is all around you. Overcoming addiction is a long and difficult journey, but with help from your trusted physician, caring rehabilitation specialists and others who are on the road to sobriety, you have the power to conquer addiction and get clean. Don't be afraid to speak with your family and loved ones about any decisions you make regarding your road to sobriety, and try to surround yourself with people who want what's best for you. If you ever feel that you are in a life-threatening situation and may cause harm to yourself or others, please contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline or the American Addiction Centers.

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