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Newborn Care: 5 Tips for Stressed-Out Moms

Being a mom is hard work, and those few months after giving birth can feel almost impossible. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, newborns take a toll on you. Of course, your newborn is also a huge blessing, but between the exhaustion and the stretch marks, it can be difficult to remember that. If you're feeling stressed out beyond belief as the mom of a newborn, here are five self-care tips to try.

1. Make sure to get newborn health screenings.


Part of the stress of being the mother to a new infant is that you're constantly worried about your baby's health. Invest some time into getting high-quality health screens for your child so that you're alerted to developmental issues like hearing loss as soon as possible. A newborn hearing screen is a great place to start, as hearing is integral to your newborn's development and learning. At newborn hearing screenings, an audiologist will check your baby's hearing capacity and alert you to any evidence of hearing loss they may find. Addressing hearing loss after a hearing screen is incredibly important so that you can invest in pediatric audiological therapies to help your child before they progress through adolescence and puberty.

2. Take time to talk to friends.


A huge tip for moms of new babies is to make sure that you stay in touch with your friends. Often, new parents tend to fade out of their friends' lives as they spend more time at home caring for their infant. But don't forget that your social skills need to be exercised, too. Call a friend and see if they can come visit, or even get out of the house with you. Share the stresses of new motherhood with them and listen to what's going on in their lives as well. Retaining contact with others will relieve your stress and make you feel more connected to yourself, as well as to your friends. 

3. Take time to talk with a therapist as well.


Sometimes the stress of motherhood can feel like too much to bear. If that's the case, as it is for a great many women, seek the help of a professional therapist or engage in group therapy in order to help calm your mind. When you're feeling better you'll be able to be more present for your child and perform better in other parts of your life. If you're feeling down and don't know where to go, Therapy Group of NYC can help you find individual therapy or even a support group to help you improve your quality of life. Seeing a licensed New York therapist is the best way to take control of your mental health.

4. Help yourself heal.


Many women have trouble getting used to their postpartum bodies and want to know how to get rid of stretch marks. Stretch marks can show up everywhere on your body after having a baby due to the amount of stretching your skin underwent. You may find them on your breasts, thighs, buttocks, stomach, or arms. If you want to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, you have a number of options. One way is to invest in laser treatment to remove the appearance of stretch marks on your skin. You could also apply creams that contain vital ingredients like collagen to renew your skin's elasticity. You may also want to seek a microdermabrasion treatment to gently exfoliate your stretch marks and encourage them to fade.

5. Take nights off if you can.


If you have the means, try to take some nights off every once in a while. Hire a babysitter or caregiver, or offer to pay for a friend's dinner if they watch your little one. Having a night off means you can do all the things that slipped by you during the rest of the week, such as light errands or catching up on some much-needed sleep. You may even want to go out to a restaurant by yourself or with your partner for an adult conversation. Take some time, it's worth whatever you have to pay the babysitter to have a moment to yourself.

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