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Things to Do if You Notice Developmental Delays in Your Child

Children achieve developmental milestones as they get older. For example, expect them to accomplish certain tasks independently. However, if you notice delays, they're a red flag. First, check if these delays are consistent and evident across different areas. If so, you should do something about it. 

Keep monitoring

The first step is to monitor the problems. There are some delays that you notice, but they easily change. There’s no need to panic once you see positive changes happening. Determine if the delays are only in one area, or they happen across other skills. It includes communication, gross motor, fine motor, and problem-solving skills. Write your observations. 

Talk to an expert

If you notice consistent delays, it might be time to talk to an expert. First, tell your physician about what you noticed. Then, bring your child for an observation. There are tests to see if there are delays or if the problems aren't as big as you thought. Determine the next step based on the test results. 

Ask help from other parents

Many parents have gone through this difficult phase before. They understand how you feel after noticing these delays. It might help if you talk to them. They can explain to you what they did to help their children. You can also ask specific questions if you’re already having a hard time. It’s better to hear tips from people who have undergone these stages before. Consider ParentGood if you wish to speak with parent coaches. 

Don’t panic 

You might panic because of what’s going on. You also feel terrible since you don’t want your child to suffer. It also comes with shame because your child isn’t developing as fast as the others. Try to let go of these feelings. Your goal is to help your child. Panicking and thinking about other people will only pull you down. Try to relax and take one step at a time. 

Identify your child’s strengths

Children with developmental delays only have issues in some areas. They might have advanced skills in other fields. Understand their strengths and find a way to nurture them. The problem is that we live in a society where we only consider children who excel in academics as smart. The truth is that children are capable of doing well in different areas. Acknowledge where they’re good at, and help them do better.

Educate your family 

You can’t control what other people think. They will judge you for having a child with developmental delays. However, you can always provide a loving home for your child. Once you confirm these issues, educate your family members and ask them to cooperate. It includes your extended families and friends. Be honest about the situation and explain what you’re doing to help. Your child will probably face a hostile world. Your home should remain a safe space. 

Find a way to help improve these delays and try your best by working with experts. Learning is a lifelong process, and there’s always an opportunity to change. Keep a positive spirit. 

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