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Guest Authoring at DrMomma / Peaceful Parenting

Thank you for your interest in publishing an article at Here you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding guest authorship with peaceful parenting. Please review all the information below, and email if you have further questions: ContactDrMomma (at)

Q1: Do you accept guest articles? If so, must they be original or can it include an item I wrote in another location?

A1: We welcome guest authorship at and feel that the wide variety of voices here lends to the community building and information sharing among parents and advocates, new and experienced. Articles can be those that are original in format and written specifically for publication at this site, or they can be items or excerpts from pieces you authored elsewhere. Articles that are accepted for publication at tend to have natural family living and gentle parenting in mind. We seek content that is unique, research or experience based, and well written.

Q2: Do you accept promotional articles?

A2: Yes, we accept articles with link backs. Articles must be fitting to our audience, be mother/baby-friendly, and we reserve the right to turn down any offers for any article if it is not in line with Peaceful Parenting foundations. Please email to inquire about promotional articles.

Q3: Do you accept product reviews?

A3: Yes, we do occasional product reviews for quality items that would be fitting with our audience. Email to inquire, and/or send to:

Peaceful Parenting
P.O. Box 1302
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Q4: What is your readership demographic?

A4: Audience Details - is a website read by an average of 21,000/day or 600,000/month according to Google statistics. Numbers may be more or less depending on traffic and sharing that particular month. The majority of readers are in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia and Germany (Graph One). Well over half of readers are female, many with an interest in parenting related subjects, and most with or expecting children. Readers tend to be interested in gentle parenting, holistic health, and natural family living. A significant number are well educated, hold post-graduate degrees, and/or take a vested interest in research and informed decision making.

Graph One

The Peaceful Parenting community on Facebook is currently made up of approximately 223,000 individuals. Readership tends to reflect statistics at with top audiences numbers located in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Australia. 90% of Facebook readers are female, and most have an interest in subjects such as pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, babywearing, baby sleep, health, baby care, development, gentle discipline, natural family living, and similar topics. Posts are typically read by an average of 400,000 - 800,000 per period, but viewership ranges from 200-thousand to 7-million depending on the engagement of the audience (Graph Two). Posts to the Peaceful Parenting Facebook page are automatically shared with the Peaceful Parenting Twitter community as well.

Graph Two is cited in well-read publications and referenced by numerous professionals, including:

Toxic World, Toxic People: The Essential Guide to Health, Happiness, Parenting and Conscious Living

The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning

The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

Mothering Magazine

Holistic Parenting Magazine

Natural Mother Magazine

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. William Sears originated as a local effort on behalf of several professors to gather thoughts and materials into one easy-to-access location for students in the fields of human development, human health, and human sexuality. It branched to readers beyond the university when students began to share materials, and professionals in a variety of fields offered their work toward these educational efforts. Today, we still reach a wide number of students studying in the fields of development, health, and sexuality, and also those in working toward professional careers in birth, lactation, family counseling and the social sciences.

A second, yet equally prevalent group of readers, include new and expecting parents, as well as those raising families in a 'natural living' manner -- parenting gently along the way.

Q5: What subjects do you publish on?

A5: We do not put limitations on the wide array of topics published at, however, most of the articles you will find here are research-based and address subjects of interest to natural living families. We not only accept articles that are research oriented, but also those that are opinion or experience based, articles on current news, reviews, awareness raising items, poetry, photography, artwork and more. Most of our readership is interested in subjects that will be of interest to gentle parenting mothers and fathers, advocates of peaceful parenting, and/or those studying in the fields listed in A2. Our readership is especially interested in topics that pertain to healthy, conscious living and gentle, conscious parenting.

Items that pertain to the subject of genital autonomy (intact care, circumcision, restoration, etc.) may be published at Saving Our Sons in addition to to reach a greater audience interested in the topic. You are welcome to inquire about this possibility if it is of interest to you.

Q6: Are there subjects you will not publish on?

A6: We present materials -- both research based and experience oriented -- from a mother/baby-friendly position. As such, we will not publish articles that counter healthy development, attachment and gentle living for babies, children, and the families to which they belong. We will not, then, publish items that encourage, support or push unnecessary surgical birth, artificial feeding of human infants, genital cutting, neglect, abuse in any form (including 'sleep training' and 'cry it out'), aggressive or manipulative discipline techniques, poor nutrition, or toxic products, among others.

It is currently a fad on websites to write "Top 10" or "5 Ways To..." lists. We rarely post in this format as it is generally not well researched or interesting to read. If your article is scholarly in nature, include full citations for references used.

Q7: How do I submit an article for consideration?

A7: Email your article or a link to your piece (if published elsewhere) to ContactDrMomma(at)  Peaceful Parenting has two volunteering editors and all items are edited prior to publication.

If you are the author of a published book and would like an excerpt used at with links back to your work, please provide us with the title, chapter, and suggestion for excerpting. We have a local lending library that houses over 2,000 books related to pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, babies, children, families, sexuality, etc., so we may have yours here. If not, you are welcome to send a copy to:

Peaceful Parenting 
P.O. Box 1302
Virginia Beach, VA 23451

With your completed article for consideration, also include the following: 
  • Author's name as it should appear. Pen names are acceptable, especially for sensitive or personal essays, but this should be noted so we are able to save a copy in our correspondence with you. 
  • A brief bio to go at the end or beginning of your piece if you wish. Links and a photograph may be included. 
  • Link(s) to your homepage, business, website, book, Facebook page, or wherever you would most prefer readers to go for more information on you or your subject. 
  • A photograph or graphic if you have one (or several) that you would like to use within the piece. We will watermark images with a copyright for you upon request. If you do not have a photo you wish to use, we will select one that fits the theme of your article from among those we've been given in the past. 

Q8: How will I know if my item is chosen for publication? 

A8: Because of the volume of submissions we receive for consideration, you will only receive correspondence and an email back if and when your article is accepted for publication, unless it is a paid article, in which case you will hear back within 24 hours. 

We thank you for your interest in publishing at and look forward to reading your work! 

Email: ContactDrMomma (at) 

Photo courtesy of Saving Our Sons & The Intact Network

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