Don't Retract Pack

Babies Breastfeed for Many Reasons

"He's just feeding for comfort" is a comment breastfeeding supporters hear a lot. And why not? Anyone who has breastfed will soon come to realize that breastfeeding is about far more than just food. Yes it's handy that this act of liquid love is also optimally designed to grow and nourish our babies, but there is far more to it than that.

Of course babies ask to breastfeed when they're hungry. And they're hungry a lot! But they may also be thirsty and just want a quick drink, especially in hot weather. Or their bodies and brains may be in a fast period of growth which needs to be fueled. They may also ask to feed if they're feeling cold, if they want a cuddle, if they've missed you, if they're feeling lonely, or tired, or poorly, or scared. Or if they are in pain. All of these reasons are just as valid as hunger.

Breastfeeding your baby whenever they ask, ensures not only that they receive enough nutrition but that their physical and emotional needs are met as well.

-Kathryn Stagg IBCLC

More from Stagg at:

Find support, community, and research based answers in the Breastfeeding Group


Hormone Balance Tips for Women

Improving your health can be an admirable goal, however, at times it may feel difficult. This can be true especially if you are struggling with hormone balance. Hormones can affect many areas of health and having them in balance may help accomplish a variety of things from creating an increase libido in women to aiding in weight loss. Here are a few tips to try for balancing hormones.

The Right Diet

While many may know that diet can have a significant impact on health, they may not realize that this is in part because of the impact that it can have on hormones. There are many foods that may potentially disrupt proper hormone function in large amounts. Some of these include alcohol, sugar, and processed, refined carbs. However, there are many foods that may aid in balancing hormones as well, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, plenty of water, and green tea.

Get Your Exercise

Your levels of physical activity may also play a role in hormone balance as well. Not getting enough exercise can potentially be damaging to your hormones, however, getting too much exercise might have a negative impact on them as well. This may be because workouts that are too strenuous can put undue stress on the body, which may lead to an increase in stress hormones such as cortisol. While it may be normal to have some cortisol in your system in small amounts, having levels that are too high can potentially disrupt the rest of your hormone function.

Take Time to De-Stress

As mentioned above, stress can at times have a strong impact on hormone balance. Because of this, taking time to de-stress on a regular basis may be a good idea. Also, there can be many ways to do this, whether you prefer meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply spending time on a hobby that you enjoy. Although it may not be possible to banish stress from your life completely, taking time to reduce it can have a beneficial impact, and in many cases spending as little as 15 to 20 minutes a day on a relaxing activity may be enough to make a noticeable difference.

Get Your ZZZs

Just as relaxation can be important for hormones, sleep may be even more so. When you sleep, your body undergoes many processes, some of which are related to hormone balance. If you don't get deep sleep, or get enough sleep in general, your body may be prevented from undergoing these processes. Even if you find it difficult to get the recommended eight hours of sleep, simply squeezing in an extra hour or two a night may prove beneficial.

The Bottom Line

Making the effort to improve your health can be a worthwhile one, but you may find yourself hitting roadblocks if you struggle with hormone balance. That doesn't mean, though, that there isn't anything you can try to do about it.

Although it may not always feel easy to know what to do when it comes to hormones, there are actions you can take. By taking some time to eat a healthy diet, get enough exercise and get rest when you need it, you can potentially help to improve your hormone balance and feel your best.

How to Overcome the Death of a Loved One

Losing a loved one is one of the most traumatic experiences you can go through in your life. When a family member, partner or friend dies, you can feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself.

Coping with a loved one’s death takes time and each person’s healing journey is unique to them. However, while every individual’s experience with grief is different, there are some basic universal tenets that can apply to everyone dealing with the death of a loved one.

Honor Your Feelings

Death digs up a variety of emotions so allow yourself to feel whatever feelings come your way. You might be overwhelmed with sadness, anger, and shock—and even experience these emotions simultaneously. Remember, there is no “right way” to feel after you lose someone close to you.

Give Yourself Time

The grieving process is comprised of five stages according to psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. While she based her research on patients facing terminal illness, people have applied them to feelings of loss like a death or break-up.

These stages are:

• Denial: You might be in a state of shock and disbelief and unable to comprehend your loved one’s passing. You may even find yourself combing through public death records, just to make sure your loved one is truly gone.

• Anger: As you begin to understand the situation, you might feel angry and direct your anger to your loved ones who have died, yourself, or even to God.

• Bargaining: You may also find yourself trying to cut a deal with God or a higher power.

• Depression: You may become overcome with sadness, but this will not last forever.

• Acceptance: Finally reaching a point where you are able to move forward with your life.

Reach Out For Support

Sometimes you will want to be alone. And sometimes you will want a shoulder to cry on or just someone to listen. Seek support when you need to talk. This could be from relatives, friends, a religious leader, or a therapist.

Whoever you feel comfortable talking to and processing your feelings with. If you want to speak to a counselor, reach out to the therapy Group of DC for help. Speaking to a licensed mental health professional can help you find effective strategies to cope and handle the loss. When you are finally ready to open up and talk, be sure to discuss the person’s death so you can fully come to grips with the reality of it.

Take Care Of Yourself

It’s normal to be so consumed by sadness when grieving that you forget to take care of yourself. During the bereavement period, remember to eat healthy food, get an adequate amount of sleep each night, and exercise. Doing simple things in the name of self-care—like just taking a shower—can help you establish a routine and begin to move forward.

Celebrate Life

After reaching the final stage of the grieving process, you may feel the need to honor your loved one’s memory. You can do this in a variety of ways including dedicating a garden or tree to them, making a donation to their favorite charity, sharing stories about them, or naming your child after the deceased.

You will also need to embrace your own life. As you accept the reality of living without your loved one by your side, you will come to terms with the concept of death and begin to move on. This is nothing to feel guilty over. Death is a part of life and learning how to process the pain and establish a life without the person aids in the healing.

What benefits are in ONE teaspoon of human milk?

How complex is breastmilk?

What is in one amazing, powerful mere teaspoon of human milk?

Between 50,000-65,000,000 living cells that make up nutrients, antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, prebiotic, probiotic hormones and stem cells!! 

Breastfeeding is life-changing for a life time.

If you nurse your baby (for any amount of time):

The perfect book for moms looking ahead to breastfeeding - Breastfeeding Made Simple.

One teaspoon of human milk contains over 3 million germ killing cells!

Snapshot of a natural weaning moment...
37 months of 'the good stuff!'


What my body needs...

Today I asked my body what she needed,
Which is a big deal
Considering my journey of
Not Really Asking That Much.

I thought she might need more water.
Or protein.
Or greens.
Or yoga.
Or supplements.
Or movement.

But as I stood in the shower
Reflecting on her stretch marks,
Her roundness where I would like flatness,
Her softness where I would like firmness,
All those conditioned wishes
That form a bundle of Never-Quite-Right-Ness,
She whispered very gently:

Can you just love me like this?


-Hollie Holden

More from Holden at:

How to Relieve Your Baby’s Congestion

Babies have underdeveloped immune systems compared to adults, and this makes them more susceptible to infections and diseases. When your little one starts showing symptoms, you can’t help but worry if it’s an indication of something dangerous. In particular, one of the commonly occurring ones is congestion.

What is Congestion?

When the body encounters pathogens or other foreign invaders, it secretes mucus. This sticky fluid will then accumulate in the airways and nose. Too much mucus blocks these parts, making it difficult to breathe and feed. The general discomfort from the blockage can also affect your little one’s quality of sleep. And if untreated, it might lead to sinusitis.

Newborn congestion is more dangerous than infant congestion due to their weaker immune system. If your child is under three months of age, we suggest that you immediately take him/her to the doctor.

Those older than three months of age, on the other hand, doesn’t pose as much risk. Infants will commonly experience congestion because if you think about it, their passages are narrower than ours. It’s faster for these spaces to fill up with mucus compared to an adult's. However, like with any other health issues, nothing can bring you more peace if you talk to your child’s pediatrician.

Symptoms of Baby Congestion

Mucus Discharge

A runny nose along with nasal congestion indicates common cold in babies. Depending on the cause of your baby’s congestion, you might find mucus ranging from clear, white, or yellow in color.

Difficulty in Eating and Sleeping As we have mentioned earlier, congestion is uncomfortable, and it can affect normal body functions. Babies might refuse to eat/suck because of the resulting difficulty in breathing caused by congestion. Babies may also become more restless and avoid sleeping or napping because of the discomfort.

Faster Breathing If your baby’s respiratory passages are blocked by mucus, then consequently he/she is going to breathe faster than normal to compensate for the difficulty. To give you an idea, babies normally take 40 breaths per minute. However, if your child takes more than 60 breaths per minute, it would be safer to take him to the hospital right away.

Other symptoms that may be involved with baby congestion are:

  • Coughing 
  • Grunting 
  • Wheezing 
  • Noisy breathing 
  • Sniffling 
  • Runny nose

Causes of Baby Congestion

Before we go on with how you can relieve your little one’s congestion, it is important that you know what might be causing it.

Common Cold

There are different cold-causing viruses. And since a baby is just starting to build his/her immunity against them, he/she is more prone to catching them.


Every baby will differ in potential triggers and allergens. If you suspect that he/she has come in contact or has eaten something that might have caused an allergic reaction, visit the doctor for a test.

Foreign Object Blockage

As unexpected as it might seem, a random object or a piece of food can get lodged in your baby’s nose. Of course, the body will treat it as a foreign invader and secrete mucus in response. However, you must not remove the object yourself, especially if it’s deep down the passage. It’s better that you take your child in the emergency room for a safer removal.

Other potential causes:

  • Asthma 
  • Pneumonia 
  • Flu 
  • Dry air
  • Weather changes 
  • Cigarette smoke 
  • Pollutants/Irritants

How to Relieve Your Baby’s Congestion

It’s worrisome to see your baby suffering from congestion. They have smaller passages than us so they’ll need extra help in clearing the mucus out. We are going to focus here on how you can make your baby more comfortable. At the same time, on how you can help his/her body get rid of the mucus.

Do note that these suggestions are not the sole solution or cure for congestion. Be sure to consult your child’s doctor to know if there are underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Saline Drops

If your baby is under 6 months, you’ll have an easier time with this first suggestion. What the saline does to the mucus is thin it out, so that it’ll be easier for your child to expel it out. For younger babies, you can use a bulb syringe to remove the mucus yourself. However, this can be tricky to do, especially with babies older than 6 months.

You can ask your doctor when looking for a brand of saline solution. However, did you know that you can also use breastmilk in the same way? According to some lactation consultants, breastmilk is familiar enough for babies. This way, they wouldn’t oppose it if they happen to swallow some in the process compared to salty saline.

Now, it might be tempting to give your child cold medications, treatments, or rubs. It works effectively on adults, right? But for young children, these medications are too dangerous. Never attempt to medicate your baby with medicines unless you have the approval of his/her doctor.


Baby congestion and humidifiers are often related to each other. The reason for this is because the air moisture quality, such as dry air can worsen congestion. Parents typically look for the best baby humidifier that can safely alleviate their baby’s discomfort. In fact, some manufacturers even came up with designs and features targeted for nursery use.

Humidifiers are helpful for breathing and preventing the body from producing more mucus. If the air is dry, then the sinuses will also dry out. The body will compensate for this and produce more mucus, which is the opposite of what you want.

However, humidifiers also have some risks. The good news though is that you can avoid them with good hygiene and proper usage. Remember to keep its reservoir clean and always use distilled water to prevent white dust.


Perhaps the easiest out of these suggestions, some tender-love-and-care will go a long way in making your baby comfortable. You can do this by giving gentle pats on his/her back with him leaning slightly forward. This will help loosen the mucus for easier expulsion. You can even softly rub the bridge of your baby’s nose to soothe him/her before bedtime.

A warm, steamy bath can also make your child more comfortable. Similar to how we feel a tad better when we have a cold. This bath time also serves as your bonding moment while distracting him/her from the stuffy feeling.

Overall, these suggestions can help relieve your child with the discomfort from congestion. At the end of the day, it is best to see his/her doctor to make sure you’re not worsening or ignoring other health concerns.

Nose Frida for babies with colds and congestion

Caring for Your Child’s Mental Health

Mental health can affect all areas of life, including the way we feel, think and act. Taking good care of our mental health is equally as important as making sure that our bodies are healthy. Parents play a huge role in ensuring their children have positive mental health. Parents can help promote good mental health in their children in the way that they talk, with the things that they do, and through the environment they create at home. Learning about the early signs of mental health problems is a great idea.

How can I Nurture Mental Health in my Child?

You can help nurture your child’s mental health by building caring and strong relationships with them:

  • A person who plays a large role in a child’s life is the best person to teach them how to be resilient. Usually, this person is a parent or a family member of the child. Children need to know that they can turn to an adult if they need help or support.
  • Strong relationships between children and their parents or carers are key. It’s a great idea to spend a bit of time each day talking to your child.
  • Teach your children how to respond to any problems that may arise. 

Another way you can help nurture your child’s mental health is by helping them with their self-esteem, in order for them to feel good about themselves:

  • Show your child love and acceptance. 
  • Ask them questions about their day, their interests, and their activities. 
  • Praise them whenever they do something well. It is important to recognize when they have tried and not just when they have achieved. 
  • Help them come up with realistic goals. 

Respecting your child’s feelings and listening to them is equally as important:

  • Encourage your children to tell you how they are feeling. Feelings of sadness and anger are ok. 
  • Ask your child questions and listen to their answers. 
  • If your child feels uncomfortable talking to you, find an adult that they feel they can talk to. 

Your home environment is important too:

  • Keep an eye on your child’s media use. This includes internet, TV and gaming devices. It is important that you keep a check on who they are talking to and what is being said. 
  • Try not to discuss important family issues in front of your child. 
  • Find time to play with your children. 
  • Show them how it’s done by taking care of your own mental health. Show them that you can talk about how you feel and that you make time for doing things that you enjoy. 

Help your child overcome problems caused by difficult situations:

  • If your child is feeling upset, teach them how to relax. You could do a calming activity together, practice deep breathing exercises, go for a walk or ask them if they want a bit of time alone. 
  • Think and talk about any possible solutions to the problem. Make sure you listen to your child and don’t take over. 

Are Mental Health Problems in Children Common?

One in five children has a diagnosable mental health problem. These conditions can include anxiety, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), eating disorders, substance abuse, and learning disabilities. Many more children suffer from slightly milder but as significant behavioral and emotional problems.

Children can be affected by mental health issues at any age, but certain situations can put young people at greater risk of having mental health problems in the future. These include:

  • Experience of difficult economic circumstances, e.g. new refugees and immigrants. 
  • A family history of mental health problems. 
  • Children who have poor overall health, have scarce education or live in isolated communities. 
  • LGBTQ children who are rejected by their families or experience bullying. 
  • Big changes occurring during a child’s life, such as moving house or parents getting a divorce. 
  • Substance abuse. 
  • Witnessing trauma – this includes abuse. 

Where Can I Get Help? 

There are lots of people who can help your child with their mental health, but to get started it is a good idea to visit your doctor. You will need to tell your doctor about any behavioral changes, what your concerns are and whether you are worried about their development. From here your doctor will be able to advise you on the best course of action for your child e.g. counseling. If you want to learn more about mental health counseling then why not look at mental health counseling masters programs from Bonaventure University online? This course will give you the knowledge you need in order to support people with mental health issues and it may even lead to a career in mental health counseling in the future.

Unfortunately, many children find that they have to wait a long time before they are able to get any help. Mental health problems can lead to children failing at school, struggling to make friends or becoming independent from their parents. Looking for the signs of mental health problems and knowing how to help your child is important. Many children who have mental health issues struggle meeting their developmental milestones, so it is important to spot the signs and get help quickly.

Finding the Right Outpatient Treatment Program for You

While there are a variety of addiction rehabilitation options, not everyone will need residential or inpatient care. Some people will have the support and routines somewhat in place and will benefit from outpatient therapy. However, for others, merely attending anonymous groups will not be enough, and they may require intensive outpatient therapy, which is the combination of several therapeutic practices to provide the most benefit to the individual. If you are in search of an intensive outpatient program, then keep an eye out for a center that offers the following services.

Individual Therapy

There is some debate about whether individual or group therapy is better for addicts. However, the answer depends on the individual seeking treatment. For those who do not suffer from other issues, like anxiety or depression, group therapy might be best. Still, for those who do have other underlying conditions motivating their behavior, individual therapy is more beneficial. However, it goes without question that both treatment options are fundamental to a successful recovery, which is why you should find a program that offers both.

Group Therapy

While there are benefits to the use of individual therapy, group therapy in outpatient programs in Orange County is essential to establishing a like-minded and motivated peer group. While you may not be interested in such treatment at the moment, group work allows you to relearn how to communicate and interact with your environment in a healthy and safe way.

Complimentary or Non-verbal Therapies

For some people, talk therapy is not the answer. Many people find it challenging to come to terms with their emotions in a verbal way, which is why complimentary or non-verbal therapies are a must to any intensive outpatient program. These treatments can include art, music or even equine therapies and have had positive results for many people in recovery.

Support Groups

Last, any legitimate outpatient programs in Orange County should provide support groups. While you may not be interested in sharing your story initially, there are benefits to hearing people with similar backgrounds and addictions share theirs. This type of group therapy helps to demonstrate that you are not alone in your struggles, and it can be beneficial.

Recovering from an addiction is not something that should be done solo. Support and therapy are essential to developing a healthy mindset and lifestyle moving forward from your addiction. If your addiction does not warrant the level of residential treatment, then consider finding an outpatient program that offers the therapies and support mentioned above.

Development in the Uses of CBD Oil

CBD oil is one of the most exciting medical innovations to come along in recent years. People have been using CBD oil for a while now, but new research is showing signs of tremendous new developments in the near future.

We’ve known for awhile that CBD has natural anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in pain relief for any people. It’s especially useful for nerve pain and pain caused by stiffness and joint problems. We also know that CBD can help those suffering from anxiety, depression, or insomnia.

But it looks like there might be a lot more to CBD oil as we learn to apply these properties to various conditions. Read on to learn about a few of them.


In private, people have been using CBD oil to treat their own or their children’s epilepsy for years. But in 2018, the Food and Drug Administration officially approved CBD as a treatment for Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.

These are two conditions that cause epilepsy in children and both are very hard for current conventional medications to treat. Penguin CBD oil has the power to make a difference. Research into the effects of CBD oil for general epilepsy is ongoing.


Chronic inflammation can lead to all kinds of problems, including arthritis. Studies done in 2011, 2014, 2016, and 2017 have all shown that CBD oil has a positive effect on arthritis pain and stiffness.

More studies are needed, but research is developing quickly. CBD oil may soon take its place among orthopedic treatments, dietary changes, and conventional medications as an effective way of controlling arthritis.

Type 1 diabetes

Unlike Type 2 diabetes, which is typically related to diet and lifestyle, Type 1 diabetes develops when inflammation triggers a person’s immune system to attack the pancreas. Early research is showing that CBD can ease pancreatic inflammation.

There’s a lot more work to be done in this direction, but so far, things look promising. A study done in Lisbon in early 2017 demonstrated that CBD oil is capable of reducing inflammation in mice; and even stopping some mice from developing Type 1 diabetes at all. You can keep an eye on this sort of research at

Neural issues

Researchers are currently looking at how CBD oil can affect the many conditions caused by injuries or disorders to the neurological system. These include not only epilepsy, but also psychiatric diseases and damage or degeneration of the nerves.

So far, CBD oil shows promise in treating some types of schizophrenia as well as chronic nerve pain and neurodegeneration. Once again, research is ongoing, but there is every reason to believe that CBD oil may become an effective treatment for at least some of these conditions.


Everyone hopes for effective cancer treatments. Current cancer treatments, although effective, tend to be toxic and cause pain and discomfort for cancer sufferers. CBD oil has very low toxicity and few side effects.

Recent studies show that CBD oil may be an effective treatment for cancer. A lot of work still needs to be done, but some studies show that, in the lab at least, CBD oil suppresses cancer cells and tends to trigger them to self-destruct.


One of the hardest things about treating opioid addiction is the side effects of opioid withdrawal. These can be profound, and the suffering associated with withdrawal keeps some people from seeking the help they need.

In one study, smokers treated with CBD oil experienced no cravings. At this point, research is still in very early stages when it comes to using CBD oil to treat opioid addiction. But it has the potential to make withdrawal much easier and become a powerful tool in the war against the opioid epidemic.

What Is Covered By Medical Malpractice Insurance?

If you run a medical practice, you likely know how important it is to have the right kinds of insurance to protect your interests. Medical malpractice cases can easily drain your resources, costing you valuable time, money, and labor. In some high profile situations, your medical practice itself may be in jeopardy, due to the high cost of settlements and fines associated with medical malpractice. Of course, the easiest way to avoid medical malpractice cases is to ensure that everything that you do in your doctor’s office is up-to-code.

Even so, it never hurts to have some extra protection. From hiring a medical malpractice attorney to taking out medical malpractice insurance, here’s what you need to know to guard yourself against expensive lawsuits.

Get Medical Malpractice Insurance

Having a specialized liability insurance policy can go a long way in helping to cover any potential malpractice cases you may face in your time as a medical professional. Malpractice insurance comes in different scopes, so it’s a good idea to investigate the benefits and disadvantages of different policies before making a decision about which provider to go with.

Some policies are specific to one individual, while others are group policies. Some malpractice insurance is offered through a private insurance company, while others are handled by a special type of organization called an RRG, or risk retention group.

While medical malpractice insurance can cover a wide variety of costs associated with a malpractice case, such as court costs and attorney fees, some costs are not included. For example, while arbitration fees, damages, and settlements are all covered under a malpractice insurance policy, if the liability is in conjunction with criminal or sexual misconduct or the altering of records, you’re out of luck. As a result, it’s important to always conduct your medical practice under all state and local laws and ordinances, so that if you need to lean on your liability insurance you’re able to.

Hire A Solid Attorney

Having proper legal counsel can also help you make the most of your malpractice insurance policy. Since local laws can often affect your ability to utilize your liability policy, having a local attorney is often far more beneficial than retaining a big name lawyer. Searching for malpractice attorneys based in New Mexico or the location of your practice can give you the peace of mind you need to run your business well.

These kinds of lawyers will also be able to help you evaluate when to settle or take a case to court, and can give you this counsel in conjunction with the insurance policy you have taken out.

Encourage Patients To Use Insurance

Sometimes individuals try and sue you for malpractice because of extra medical costs that they could have covered themselves if they had insurance. One way you can help to mitigate your risks in this area is by helping people understand that there are a variety of ways to get health insurance, including short-term options.

A short-term insurance company such as Agile Health Insurance specializes in affordable insurance policies perfect for students, travelers, or anyone seeking gap insurance for a temporary amount of time. Best of all, Agile Health Insurance is fast. You can get an insurance estimate, apply for coverage, and receive your insurance card all within an hour. Many uninsured patients may not realize that insurance companies offering such positive options exist. By letting them know more about the types of policies on the market, you can keep your healthcare practice affordable.

Nobody wants to face a medical malpractice suit. From the added stress to your financial resources to the potential public relations issues, there are plenty of reasons to make a plan to safeguard your practice from such lawsuits. With a good medical malpractice liability insurance policy and an attorney on your side, you can take steps towards protecting your business for years to come.

How the 30 Minute BRIEF Assessment Works

The second edition of the Behavior Rating of Executive Function (BRIEF2) is an assessment to measure impairment of executive function with the use of rating scales. It is used to assess children ages five to eighteen.

The administration time is ten minutes or less for all forms including the parent, teacher, and self-report forms, and scoring takes approximately fifteen minutes for a total of no more than thirty minutes. A single manual contains information and research about each screening form.

What’s New

This second edition contains an increased sensitivity to executive function. It eliminates items that distract from the sensitivity of key clinical groups like autism spectrum disorder and ADHD. There is also updated normative data from all fifty states in the U.S.

The scales are more concise, making it easier for teachers, parents, or adolescent respondents to conduct and assess. The parallel structure across all three screening forms has increased as well.

There are three indexes included in the BRIEF2: behavioral, cognitive, and emotional. Identifying unusual responses is easier than ever with a new infrequency scale.

Administration and Scoring

Administration and scoring time takes no more than thirty minutes, and sometimes less. The BRIEF2 can be hand-scored in this time for increased accuracy and efficient results. It includes feedback reports, protocol summary reports, interpretive reports, and i-Admins on PAR’s digital platform. Online scoring or a mixture of hand and online scoring are also available.

Reliability, Validity, and Norms

The BRIEF2 has been used in over 800 studies around the world and has a greater ability to provide targeted diagnostic information than any other assessment of its kind. The lack of new items added to the clinical scales allows smooth and consistent transitioning from the first to the second edition.

The nationally stratified standardization sample across all fifty states includes 3600 cases matched by gender, age, parent education level, and ethnicity to the U.S. Census for reliable and accurate results.

The reliability coefficients for both the teacher form and the parent form are consistently above .90 and the self-report form has a reliability coefficient of more than .80. The BRIEF2 correlates with other measures of behavior and IQ, like CBCL, Conners-3, BASC-2, RIAS, ADHD-RS-IV, WAIS-IV, and WISC-IV for increased reliability and validity.

Extensive analysis has determined that the three-factor solution including Emotional Regulation Index, Behavior Regulation Index, and Cognitive Regulation Index is accurate and reliable.

The professional manual of the BRIEF2 provides base rates and mean performance across clinical groups like ASD, ADHD types, LD, TBI, anxiety, cancer, epilepsy, diabetes, and NF-I. In addition, new reliable change statistics allow easy measurement of significant changes in scores over time.

Clinical and Validity Scales

There are a number of clinical and validity scales for the BRIEF2 contained in its indexes.

The Behavior Regulation Index includes inhibit and self-monitor executive composites that help measure impulse control and monitor the child’s ability to keep track of the effects of their behavior on others.

The Emotion Regulation Index includes shift and emotional control executive composites that measure the child’s ability to effectively move from one activity to another and modulate appropriate emotional responses.

The Cognitive Regulation Index includes initiate, task completion, working memory, plan/organize, task-monitor, and organization of materials executive composites. These executive composites help identify the child’s ability to generate their own ideas, complete schoolwork or chores on time, hold information in their mind to complete tasks, anticipate future events, check their own work, and keep their work space clean.

The validity scales include inconsistency, negativity, and infrequency scales designed to measure how inconsistently or negatively the child answers BRIEF2 items and the extent to which they endorse unlikely events.

When Your Mental Health Goes Down the Drain After Birth

There are a lot of issues that mothers of newborns face that many people are hesitant to speak about. Mental illnesses - particularly postpartum depression - are very common issues that new mothers experience. These issues need to be addressed more often, so that more mothers can be aware of the potential risks and issues that they may face after giving birth.

The Dangers of Ignoring Mental Health Issues

Many people would rather ignore their mental health issues than face them up front. Many people find it easier (at least in the short-term) to push their issues to the back burner instead of acknowledging them.

This might sound simple, but it’s actually a disastrous thing to do. Mental health issues don’t just go away, and if you pretend that they’re not there (which is known as repressing the issue), then they’ll come back tenfold later in life. Maybe you’ll be better equipped to deal with them then, but most likely you won’t.

This means that, at the first inkling of a mental health problem, it’s important that you check in with yourself to see if you’re developing something that could be more serious. That means that if you’re sad, or upset, or irritable, or confused, spend some time sitting down and thinking about it.

It’s quite possible you’re not struggling with a mental health problem. Maybe you are just sad, or angry, or whatever. But the point is, it’s better to make sure that you don’t have a serious problem, or that you’re not repressing emotions that could one day lead to a serious problem.

It’s better to be too concerned about your well-being than not concerned at all.

What to Do About Postpartum Mental Health

All mothers are susceptible to postpartum mental health problems, so it’s a good idea to prepare for it. This will make sure that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to deal with a mental health problem if it should arise in your life.

The first and most important thing to do is to enlighten yourself about mental health. This means that you should educate yourself as much as possible, particularly in the area of postpartum mental health. Educational websites like ecounseling have a wealth of information on postpartum depression and depression in general. The Postpartum Support International website exists solely for this issue. Understanding your (potential) condition will have a number of benefits.

  • You will be better equipped to handle any mental health issues that you experience after giving childbirth.
  • You will have knowledge that could be valuable to other mothers that you know going through similar problems.
  • You will be educated about mental health issues that your children may go through, so you will be able to educate them and help them manage these issues should they arise.

It’s still possible that you’ll experience some mental health ‘turbulence’ after giving birth. These are some other ways to boost your mental health and ensure healthy living.

  • Seek therapy. There may be some stigma surrounding the use of therapy, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s the most powerful and effective tool for strengthening mental health. You don’t even need to have a problem for therapy to be beneficial: it will teach you the skills and techniques that you need to grow with a strong, healthy mind. 
  • Communicate with others in similar situations. One of the best things to help people through postpartum depression is talking about it with other mothers who have experienced similar things. This can help you learn and share advice and experiences that can encourage the growth of both of you. 


Being a new mother is tough, but it doesn’t have to lead to serious mental health problems. Getting the proper education and being willing to accept therapy is a sure way to help ensure that the mental struggle of being a new mother is as easy as possible.


more holistic group

more mainstream group

New Baby Visitor Guide
(available as laminated poster or large placard at Etsy)

Understanding Class Action Lawsuits

A class action lawsuit is a legal action taken by a group of individuals (class) against a common defendant. A class comprises of several people (dozens, hundreds, or even thousands) who have been affected in the same way or suffered similar injuries or damages as a result of the actions of the defendant.

Most class action lawsuits involve companies, organizations, businesses, industries, or institutions, and their employees or customers. The allegation directed at the defendant may include discrimination, negligence, defective products, and false advertising.

A famous example of such a case is the Truvada class action lawsuit. In 2004, Gilead Sciences, Inc. released the Truvada drug that the company claimed could reduce the risk of contracting HIV and also treat HIV. Although the drug may have worked on some level as expected, its severe side effects, which included a condition known as lactic acidosis vastly outweighed its benefits. This led to several lawsuits against the company from consumers who were afflicted by the adverse effects of the drug.

How Does a Class Action Lawsuit Work?

To file a class action lawsuit, there has to be a class, which is a group of individuals claiming compensation for similar injuries. In the case of the Truvada class action lawsuit, the class was made up of the victims of the drug's side effects. The class must be verified by a judge in a court of law and must have an appointed lead plaintiff who represents the entire group. The lead plaintiff is the only one who may participate in court sessions. Claims may include monetary compensation and any other forms of settlement related to personal injury.

Class action lawsuits are convenient for situations where the individual plaintiff claims are too small for the entire process to be worthwhile for just one plaintiff. But, as a group, the plaintiffs can share the legal fees and, in the end, get a substantial settlement. These lawsuits also save the court’s time and resources by bundling similar claims together instead of regarding each as a separate case.

In the U.S. class action lawsuits can be filed either in the state or federal court. After the Class Action Fairness Act (CAFA) of 2005, a case can be moved to a federal court if at least one of the plaintiffs and one of the defendants are from different states. Also, the plaintiffs' damages must exceed $5 million in total, and the class must consist of at least 100 members from the defendant to be allowed to move the case to the federal court.

If you’re unsure about your responsibilities and obligations in a class action lawsuit, make sure to contact a knowledgeable lawyer to straighten out the details. Legal matters can be complicated; it's often a good idea to have a helping hand to guide you.

How To Prepare For Your First Baby Shower

There’s nothing more exciting or rewarding than having a baby, and there’s plenty to plan and prepare, including a baby shower. It’s easy to be unsure about how to go about planning this, but don’t worry! We’re here to help you out – here is a step-by-step guide on how to prepare for your first baby shower.

Before The Big Day

Before the day, there are certain things you need to make sure you know. What date is your baby shower? What time are you planning on starting? Where’s it going to be? If your baby shower’s going to be in the summer, a garden party could be nice, as long as the weather’s good, that is! You also need to decide who you’re inviting, as well as how much you’re willing to spend. Once you’ve got all this information, put together some invitations – if this stumps you a little, and you want to make a statement, there are plenty of templates out there so you can get the perfect invite for your guests. Once you’ve got the simple stuff down, it’s time to get into a bit more detail; what menu are you having? Are you making sandwiches and cupcakes, or are you after a few entrees to add a bit of class? Of course, you need a cake, but are you making it yourself or investing in a bakery-made one? Add some comfort food in there – after all, it’s for the mom expecting too! You also need to invest in some décor to give your baby shower a little bit of style – we recommend sticking to 2 or 3 colors, so your shower looks fun without looking messy.

What To Do At The Shower

You also need to plan what you’re going to do at your baby shower – usually, there are some forms of games as well as gift opening. Plan about half an hour for guests to arrive, and then throw yourself straight into an activity or game. Our favorite is “Baby Sketch Artists”, where each guest draws a sketch of the baby and the best wins, but there are plenty more games to take part if that isn’t your style! Once you’ve played one or two games, set out the food and let your guests have a snack (and a bit of champagne, if you’re feeling cheeky) whilst they watch you unwrap some gifts, allowing people to take a seat back and relax without losing interest. Maybe slot in a few more games before letting your guests leave – don’t forget to invest in some favors for them to take away to remember. Try and get it to suit your theme – for example, if you’re going for an animal theme, a little stuffed toy is the perfect accompaniment, but if that’s a bit tricky, some chocolates or little soaps or candles always work a treat.

Preparing for your first baby shower can be a lot to do, but is also a lot of fun to put together. With these tips, you’re sure to put together a baby shower that neither you nor your guests will forget. Enjoy!

Effects of Air Pollution on Pregnancy and How to Stay Safe

Learning that you are pregnant and expecting your first child can often be one of the most impactful moments of your entire life. After all, it marks a milestone with you and your family, with you moving forward to start a family of your own. While there are many different things to celebrate in this stage of life, there are also many more things that you need to be wary of.

Adapting to Protecting Your Child

The human body changes quite a bit during pregnancy to accommodate the growing life. Because of this, expecting women need to be a little bit more careful about what they do and where they go so that they can remain as safe as possible, and their children can be born as healthy as possible as well. Of course, it borders on impossible to expect people to avoid everything that is even mildly unsafe, but there are some things that you should try to avoid more than others.

Out of the many things that pregnant women need to avoid, most people are well aware of smoking, alcohol, and seafood. However, there are still many other things that you will need to try and stray away from as well. One of the things that you might be worried about is air pollution and how it could affect the baby inside you. Thankfully, the idea of how air pollution affects pregnancy is one that has been studied for quite a while now, which means that it is easier than ever to get an answer.

First things first though, you need to understand the basics of air pollution and what exactly it can do to your body if you are exposed to it for too long.

Understanding What Air Pollution Is

To put things simply, air pollution occurs when there are particles in the air that aren’t necessarily safe to breathe for prolonged periods of time. This means that there are many different things that can fall under the umbrella term of “air pollution.” From ozone to vehicular exhaust, second-hand smoke, and dust, there are many things in daily life that can easily be considered air pollution. In fact, people who live in major cities tend to be exposed to minor air pollution on a near-constant basis.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that it is bad for you, or your baby, but it does mean that you have to be more aware of how it affects your body. When your body starts showing signs of prolonged exposure to air pollution, that’s when you know when it is truly affecting you. It is safe to assume that if it is affecting your health, then it can affect your baby’s health as well. Because of this, you should be well aware of the signs of exposure to air pollution. More often than not, these symptoms will include the following:

  • Coughing and wheezing 
  • Irritation in the sinuses and eyes 
  • Respiratory diseases, such as asthma and bronchitis 
  • Decreased lung capacity 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Physical damage to the heart and lungs 
  • Cancer

As you can see, there is certainly a range of symptoms when it comes to air pollution. Typically, more severe symptoms, such as damage to the lungs and cancer are signs that your body has taken quite the beating from breathing in polluted air. On the other hand, minor symptoms, such as coughing and eye irritation, are signs that you should probably think about how you can keep yourself safe during your pregnancy.

What Are the Dangers of Prolonged Exposure to Air Pollution?

Of course, the occasional exposure to the more polluted parts of the city isn’t going to cause irreversible damage to your child. However, repeated and prolonged exposure will cause damage. This damage often rears its ugly face after the pregnancy is over, which means that you should do whatever you can while you are pregnant to keep yourself safe. One of the most common dangers of exposure to air pollution is having a low birth weight. Most newborns should weigh between six to nine pounds. Babies who are under five pounds and eight ounces are considered to have a low birth weight, which can cause a number of issues when the child is first growing.

What is more worrisome is that exposure to severe air pollution has the chance of causing a preterm birth. Depending on how early the child is born, this can be incredibly dangerous for your child. In fact, about 18% of all preterm births are caused by air pollution. There are numerous risks for children who are born before they are fully developed, which can range from permanent disabilities to neurological disorders. You should try and reduce your risk as much as possible by staying as safe as you can from polluted air.

If you have asthma, living in an area that is susceptible to air pollution can actually be extremely dangerous. As many people with asthma know, polluted air can worsen the symptoms and even trigger an asthma attack. This is already dangerous enough for your baby, but it becomes even more dangerous because asthma has been linked to causing preeclampsia. Preeclampsia causes elevated blood pressure while decreasing the function of the kidneys and liver, which can severely affect your child. As long as you take care of your asthma, your child should be fine, but this means that you should take extra care to stay as far away from polluted air as possible.

There are many other risks to being pregnant in an area that has air pollution issues, but these are arguably some of the most severe issues. Other issues that you can have include the fact that you are far more likely to have a child with autism. There have been a few studies that link air pollution to the increased chance of miscarriages, although more studies point toward lower fertility rates in both men and women.

Staying Safe From Polluted Air

With all of this being said, it becomes even more important for you to keep yourself safe from polluted air while you are pregnant. Thankfully, there are many ways that you can keep you, and your unborn child, as safe as possible. For one, you should always keep yourself up to date on the Air Quality Index (AQI). This will give you an idea of just how polluted the air is in your area, which should give you an idea of just how far to take these next steps to stay safe.

You can also get the best home air purifiers for your house. While it won’t completely remove all the pollutants, it will remove the majority of them. Coupled with the fact that you should stay inside as much as you can to avoid the brunt of the polluted air, a good air purifier can do a lot in terms of keeping you safe. Air purifiers will ensure that your home becomes a place where you can rest comfortably without worrying about the quality of the air. You can increase this comfort by also getting some air-purifying plants to further clean the air.

Practical Principals for Peaceful Parenting

By Vivian Hazzard, BSN,PHN, RN

How can we possibly accomplish all that is required of the mature, responsible adult who holds multiple titles of an employee, spouses/partner, individual, and parent?

This question is faced by the average parents daily. We are busy making a living to ensure our households have what is necessary and if we can, what is desired. Securing social and extracurricular activities to help expand the horizons, entertain and ensure well rounded experiences are had by our children. The effort and time required to raise children in this modern society can be overwhelming to say the least. The pressures of parenting often begin even before the birth of the child. Interviewing the right pediatrician, getting the unborn child the right care providers by getting placed on the waiting lists for the “best” child care centers and kindergartens. Scheduling play dates, organizing car pools, working on school assignments and projects, attending sports and music events, career day, book day costume creation, chaperone for school trips and events, the list goes on and on.

Many of us subscribe to the philosophy and social norms that more is better and “helicopter” parenting is the only way to ensure your children get what they deserve. There are in fact social-contextual forces shaping parental behavior and some parents are more susceptible to environmental factors than others. Research has shown that just as there are many individual characteristics and stages in which a child developments; there are various styles of parenting, not just one “perfect” way.

Our modern society with its many conveniences often serves to create additional distractions, chaos, feelings of depression, anxiety, inadequacy, strain, and superfluity. We PUSH (Put Unhealthy Strains on Us) trying to be the perfect rather than the joyful, harmony producing, peace filled parents. We even accept negative criticisms about our parenting styles and allow others to influence us instead of doing what we know is best for “ours.” This constant “pushing,” to press against with force in order to drive or impel or to try to move beyond or expand is not helpful to our children, ourselves, nor the communities we live and work.

Our bodies produce a natural hormone called cortisol in which many of us know in relationship to the “fight or flight” response. The body actually needs and uses this hormone every day to function normally. If we are constantly in the fight or flight mode, the cortisol levels stay elevated instead of in the cyclic pattern our bodies require for balance. This chronic condition along with other physical or mental health problems can impact the lives of our children. Persons who are exposed to chronic episodes of “stress” or trauma may feel overwhelmed to the point of depression or hopelessness referred to as “toxic stress” for which intervention is necessary.

The key to balancing multiple responsibilities is in remembering that you are also a person, an individual outside of these roles and find ways to focus on the joys of parenting by decreasing the “drama” and increase the “love.”

There are some basic principles and lessons that will help parents find peace in the midst of parenting no matter what style of parenting they choose.

Consider the developmental and emotional stage of each child. Increase the child's protective factors, help equip them to understand that they are not responsible for their parent's difficulties, accept responsibility for their own actions, and have the capacity to maneuver life's challenges by:

  • Finding ways to develop a warm and supportive relationship with each child 
  • Accepting help and support from family and friends 
  • Providing opportunities for children to articulate their feelings 
  • Fostering a sense of being loved by you 
  • Helping children feel positive about their individual characteristics 
  • Encouraging healthy peer relationships 
  • Placing value on interest and personal success in school 
  • Exhibiting and modeling positive, yet honest interactions at home

Give your children the best version of your “Healthy” self.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle to include caring for yourself mind, body and spirit is important in order to parent peacefully. It also models a healthy lifestyle for your children.

Practice relaxation.
Find ways to stay calm. Adopt meditation and relaxation techniques. Consider using the “Stop, Drop and Breathe” method when under parental duress.

Exercise daily. 
Develop scheduled time to be active. Talk with your health care provider about what activities are best for you and make it fun. Remember exercise naturally produces hormones called endorphins that help to improve your overall health.

Eat healthy. 
Consuming food that provides adequate nutrition, fluids, calories and nutrients help to maintain or improve overall health.

Get adequate sleep. 
Have a set sleep schedule for the family. Everyone is different, so this is not an exact science, but something to consider and adjust to your needs. Sleep time recommendations range for adults versus infants, toddlers, children and the elderly.

Avoid alcohol and drugs. 
These substances are often glamorized in social media as ways to reduce stress and blow off steam. The fact is they can often worsen stress. If you're struggling with disorders and substance abuse, get help.

Be yourself. 
Develop values and goals that are important to your individual family. Avoid the urge to imitate popular TV versions and/or faddish social styles of parenting. Know your child(ren), learn their individual emotional, physical and developmental needs.

Use support systems. 
Engage and interact with people who are like minded and/or understand your family values and goals: Consider friends, family, counselors and community parent training and support groups.

Laugh, Play and Love More. 
We live in a world of rush, rush, hurry up, get, get, give me, give me. Take time to let go by running, jumping, playing, laughing and loving your children. This simple advice goes a long way, does not have to be costly, and increases the flow of “happy” hormones for the entire family.

We have all heard the anecdotes of those who have lived long lives: “If I had life to live over again I would laugh and dream more, complain less, stomp in puddles, walk in the rain, stop and smell the flowers, play with my children more and find peace in the midst of chaos.”

3 Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know Before Having Their Baby

Finding out you're expecting a baby is an amazing moment in your life. If you've never been pregnant before, the news can be a little overwhelming. With all the excitement, some important things may be overshadowed, such as calling your insurance provider or finding the perfect daycare. Don't stress out; take a deep breath and celebrate every moment. Here are three things every pregnant woman should know before having her baby.

Contact your insurance company

Health insurance companies can differ in their policies and plans. You can find out what's covered for your prenatal care and the cost of delivery. For example, how many doctor visits are covered and if you need to pay anything out of pocket. You’ll also want to find out what you are responsible for if you haven't reached your deductible before giving birth. Some insurance companies will cover necessary items up to a certain amount like compression stockings for preeclampsia. In some countries such as Australia and the US, many people choose to take out private insurance. There are multiple plans to choose from depending on your needs and can afford. Ask your insurance company about any additional charges you may incur, such as newborn testing and hospital stay beforehand. This can help you prepare for that bill in the mail and what is optional or necessary during your pregnancy. For families that qualify as low-income, you may be eligible for government assisted healthcare in the US and similar affordable healthcare programs in Australia.

Body changes

You may have heard other mom's talk about strange changes during pregnancy. Your hair, for example, can change texture or color. Your body is producing a lot of hormones which can give you teenage-like acne or a smooth, flawless complexion. Many women find their joints have loosened in some places but stressed (like the sciatic nerve) in others. Morning sickness is a deceptive name; you can experience nausea and vomiting at any time of the day. You can find relief with a few sips of your favorite ginger soda, sour candies or your doctor may prescribe a nausea medication.

Your hormones can affect your memory causing frustrating by perfectly normal brain fog, also known as pregnancy brain. As you get further along you may begin feeling more fatigue especially if you are still working. If you haven't already, explore your employer's policies for maternity and paternity leave once you plan to tell them you're pregnant. Some larger companies such as Spotify and Microsoft offer anywhere from 18 to 20 weeks paid leave. In the US, employees of companies that don't offer paid time off can sign up for FMLA. If you are accepted, this federal program can pay you temporary benefits for up to 18 weeks. Australia's government has a similar program for bonding time for fathers and partners that can be used before or after the baby comes home.

Help when you are home

You may want to find a daycare or full-time nanny if you work (or need some extra hands) to relieve you of extra stress before you and the new arrival come home. There are online nanny organizations that give you information like experience, specialties, reviews, and if you want, a background check. Once you are back at work, you may want to consider some nighttime help such as a relative willing to sleepover occasionally or a night nanny. Sleep deprivation can interfere with work and everyday activities. There are a couple of quick tips to make things easier at night. If you plan to bottle feed, you may want to keep bottles and pre measured formula ready for multiple night-time feedings. Soft lighting can help you see during midnight diaper changes without waking your baby.


What Dads Should Do After Childbirth

Fatherhood is something that many fathers long for. However, for many fathers, especially first-time fathers, fatherhood can be a difficult time. This mostly as a result of the fact that they do not really know what’s expected of them and what they should do in helping their wives. To help those who find themselves trapped in such unfortunate scenarios, this article is going to share with all fathers what they should do after childbirth.

Become the new cook and nutritionist

Labour drains women of most of their energy. As such, after childbirth, fathers should do most of the household chores as possible including cooking. It’s important however that in addition to assuming the role of the house cook, fathers should also become nutritionists as women soon after birth need to eat nutritious diets. Fathers should provide more proteins and vegetables. In the same vein, it's important that the wife also takes lots of water.

We know becoming a ‘house husband’ maybe a whole new experience for many but it's important to note that you can always engage in your favourite pastimes in the comfort of your own home, for instance, replacing your casino visits by simply opting to play at a casino online.

Massage her

The first few days after childbirth may be quite uncomfortable for the wife especially if she had to go through the caesarian section. As such, in order to ensure that your wife is always stress-free and comfortable,it’s advisable to become her new masseuse. Thanks to the power of the internet, fathers can easily learn all about massaging online.

Encourage her to seek support from other mothers

As alluded to above, the first few days after childbirth maybe uncomfortable for the wife, as such, one way of ensuring that your wife removes the ‘uncomfortable’ burden is to encourage her to seek support from other mothers. Through mixing, mingling and sharing stories with other mothers, she may learn a thing or two of how she can cope with the stress that comes with giving birth.

Regularly compliment her

Another great way of ensuring that your wife is stress-free during the immediate days after giving birth is to regularly complement her. Whenever she undertakes to do a task and she completes it, remember to tell her how immensely proud you are. This will only help to raise her confidence and to make her stress-free.

Let her cry

After a difficult birth, it's only normal that she may go through some emotional trauma. When this happens, you should not force her to keep her emotions inside but rather, you should encourage her to let her emotions out. Keeping one’s emotions inside will only compound the situation.

No pressure for sexual acts

We all know that fathers love intimacy. However, it's advisable to postpone our quest for sexual acts to later dates when she is comfortable and ready. Pressurizing for sexual acts soon after childbirth may lead her to resent you and the relationship.

New baby visitor guide.

How To Handle A Car Accident That Isn’t Your Fault

You have likely stumbled on this article because you or someone you know has been in accident. No matter how careful you are - life doesn’t always go according to plan.

Do you know what to do if the collision wasn’t your fault? Your first reaction will be one of shock, and you may even start crying. No one wants to be in this type of situation, but you also need to be prepared for it.

Here is some advice that will help you survive a car accident.

Stay calm

When you are in a car accident, your pulse will quicken, your breath will feel fast and shallow and you will no doubt be sweating a lot. Some people may even become excessively nauseous, and you will feel anxious and stressed the entire time.

All of this will drain your energy, and staying calm is the best thing that you can do. Focus on taking a few deep breaths, in and out. Your body is likely very tense, and it’s equally important that you loosen up, whether you need to unclench your jaw or let your shoulders down.

Collect all necessary information

When you are still at the scene of the collision, you should collect all of the necessary information that you will need from the other party for your insurance claim.

This includes facts about what happened, the name and address of the other individual, their vehicle registration information and license plate number.

Notify the correct authorities

No matter how major or minor the car accident was, it’s critical that you contact the police. They will create a legal accident report, and this is important for your insurance claim.

Visit the doctor if needed 

If you incurred any type of injuries as a result of the accident, you need to visit the doctor as soon as possible so that they can do a thorough examination of you.

Contact a lawyer

If you were personally injured as a result of the collision, you need to receive the appropriate compensation from the other party.

A lawyer is the best person that can help you receive your settlement and get your life back on track. For instance, the personal injury attorney is always available for a consultation if you need them.

Talk about it with your family

There is nothing more important than feeling supported by your loved ones when something bad happens to you. It has been proven that spending quality time with family helps relieve your stress and makes you feel happier.

Your loved ones can help regulate your emotions after the car accident. It’s normal to feel anxious and scared about getting behind the wheel again, and talking about this helps.

A car accident is never a pleasant experience. Still, it’s not the end of the world, and life isn’t a straight line. So long as you are prepared for it, stay calm and collected and follow protocol, the accident will become nothing more than a distant memory.