Don't Retract Pack

Medical Organization Position Statements on Circumcision

No national medical organization recommends the routine genital cutting of infants without medically justified need for such surgery to take place. Infant circumcision is clearly spoken against in many nations, regardless of babies' sex (female, male, intersex) and is not supported for all babies in any nation, even those that otherwise stem from within a cutting culture.

What follows are current medical position statements from organizations across the globe today. Full statements are readily available via online searches. When we recognize that no national medical organization recommends routine infant circumcision, it becomes clear that such things should not be funded with tax payer dollars (Medicaid and similar programs), covered by health insurance (genital cutting of infants is not performed as a health treatment), or pushed upon unknowing parents by any medical staff who stands to financially gain from performing unnecessary genital surgery upon a non-consenting human being.

You are welcome to download and print the above card,
or they arrive with most items via Etsy as large, glossy placards.

Related Reading: 

Peer reviewed published research on circumcision and the functions of the foreskin:

Scholarly books:

On the ethics of registered nurses assisting in forced infant circumcision:

The Medical Benefits of Infant Circumcision:

Intact Care & Circumcision Physician Packs (by/for those practicing in medical fields today):

Expecting Packs (for friends and family, can be mailed anonymously or with a personalized note):

to join our advisory panel of physicians, email

Child injured in car accident when belt moved behind her back

On August 6th, loving father, Jonah Fults, shared a photo of his daughter and the following description of what occurred when she moved her seatbelt behind her shoulder (instead of keeping it across her chest). It is a powerful reminder to all parents, and children who are using belts, to be sure they are used correctly. Many older children (out of car seats) are prone to moving the chest strap behind them "because it is uncomfortable," but this, or worse, is too often the result.

Jonah writes:
I'm posting a picture of my precious little Firecracker Demi who was hurt last Friday in a car accident. I want people to understand the importance of the correct utilization of a car seat. She put her shoulder belt behind her back. This low speed accident happened in a neighborhood close to the house that they left. So 'I'm just going right down the road' is no excuse! We all have done it. She went forward, and hit the seat or the door. She has an orbital bone fracture. We will know soon if surgery is required to keep her eye muscles working properly. Her brother was fine in a car seat on the other side. Please people, protect our little ones. This is the scariest thing I've ever been through. Head injuries are for real!

Related reading:

Common Car Seat Errors:

Do You Use Your Car Seat Correctly?

Car Seats Are For CARS:

Safety: Rear-Facing As Long As Possible:

Carseats lower oxygen levels in newborns (use only in the car when driving):

Rear-Face Car Seat Facing Still Beneficial

AAP Healthy Children Car Seat Guidelines:
