Don't Retract Pack

Neonatal Circumcision [A video for heathcare professionals]


Preface: At Peaceful Parenting we work tirelessly to end all form of violence and aggression against ALL babies and children. We share professional informational items like those on this page so that eyes are opened to the realities of current infant care, development, and treatment. 


This video was made last year "for healthcare professionals" by Sparks Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine in Sparks, NV. It is the circumcision surgery of newborn baby, Ben, in their clinic.

As you watch, note that the doctor states prepuce amputation is done for "cosmetic" reasons - not medical necessity. Yet he continues on to say that this surgery has been conducted in the same manner for 3,000 years. This is not true. [For more information see: Biblical Circumcision and related information on genital cutting pre-1900s North America.]

As Ben's mother is told that there are risks to circumcision, she covers her ears. The amputating physician tells her that complications from the operation are "very rare" and "knock on wood, we just don't see it." Untrue. A large number of infants who undergo circumcision surgery have post-op complications to one degree or another. And all have had the most sensitive, most erogenous, part of their penis removed forever.

As Ben starts to cry, the physician quickly asks, "Do you have any questions?" "Nope," replies Ben's mother, and the tape is stopped while Ben is strapped to the circumstraint board. When the tape begins again, the physician is satisfied that Ben's arms and legs are tied down tightly and explains that you must make sure a baby is "well restrained." Even a newborn will kick and roll and claw in a desperate attempt to avert a scalpel against his body. 

This is how surgery by Gomco clamp is performed.
These stills are shared solely for educational purposes.

The penis is rubbed with alcohol which serves two purposes - it kills bacteria immediately available on the surface of the penis pre-op, and it causes an erection in an infant which makes it easier for the physician to tear and cut the prepuce (foreskin) from the glans (penis head) as the two organs are otherwise tightly fused together (like your fingernail is to your finger). Anesthesia is injected into the penis (which does nothing to numb the dorsal nerve at the base of the penis). As he begins, the physician says, "Sorry, Buddy. This is the part that everyone hates..." and continues on.

Ben's cries may haunt you. They are the desperate, urgent, pleas to be rescued from the most horrific pain imaginable - the cutting off of one's genitals. They are not typical cries of a baby in need. Parents who have viewed their son's circumcision surgery will tell you that they've never heard a cry just like this.

If you have previously witnessed circumcision surgery, this may not be for you to watch. However, if you are considering circumcision for your baby (which, in the United States is the complete amputation of the prepuce organ and frequently the frenulum) please do watch. To make a research-based decision, parents must be fully informed about what circumcision surgery entails, including all aspects of the operation, the many important functions the foreskin serves in infancy and adulthood, and intact care as well.

There are many locations to go for learning more about circumcision. Available books and websites are included on this page, or to view additional surgeries (if one is not enough) search "circumcision" on YouTube. Although the majority of parents today keep their sons intact, we still find a percentage of those choosing circumcision without being well informed. In 2011, no parent should be birthing a child without being well versed in the subject ahead of time.

Baby looks back at his mom one last time before cutting begins.

Ben, before and after his prepuce is amputated:
(view video in full here)

Note (above) that it is readily obvious Ben has been subjected to forced retraction already at this point in life. As a neonate, his prepuce should be tightly fused to the end of his penis, and there should be no gaping, red area. The physician also tells Ben's mother that they have "already checked" further up on Ben's shaft (commonly, as far as he was able to retract the prepuce) to check for hypospadias. Absolutely no one should be retracting your baby, for any reason. But there is an epidemic of forced retraction in the United States that parents need to be aware of.

(Above) The physician has stimulated Ben, forcing an erection. This allows the prepuce to be torn easier, for the clamp or bell to be placed tightly, and for cutting to take place with a slightly reduced chance of accidental glans (head) amputation. Others have noted that this is truly the first time in a baby's life that sex (manual stimulation of the penis to cause an erection) and violence (the non-consential, painful cutting up of the penis) mix. The Gomco clamp is used on Ben. It is one of the two most commonly used circumcision clamps in the United States, the second being the Plastibell. There are some parents who are told that the Plastibell does not involve cutting. This is not true. The prepuce is still torn apart from the glans, the bell is placed on the raw glans, the prepuce is pulled up over the glans, a string (instead of metal clamp) is tied around the prepuce, and everything above the string is cut off. There is no such thing as a "blood free" or "knife free" circumcision surgery. To view a Plastibell circumcision and learn more see this page.

Ben may now face many weeks or months of "colic" (higher in babies who have endured severe pain in their post-partum days). He may show signs of infant PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) via increased episodes of fright, crying, terror, lapsing in and out of a semi-comatose state (increased drowsiness, sleep), decreased interest in eating, nursing complications, thrusting instead of suckling at his mother's breast, reflux, belly aches, and neurological changes. He is now at a heightened risk for failure to thrive and faces several weeks of post-op healing. He is more likely to face infection, meatal ulcers, post-op phimosis, fibrosis, and potential need for repeat surgery. Until his penis scars and calluses over, he faces the risk of hemorrhage, which, if it occurs, will hopefully be stopped via clamps, or heart failure and death can result. He may move his body differently than his intact peers as he grows, and will respond to vaccinations and other painful episodes with higher cortisol (stress hormone) spikes and a lower threshold for pain, even into adulthood. The odds are, unfortunately, not in his favor to walk away without any post-op complications.

The CDC reports that 68% of baby boys born in the United States in 2009 remained intact. Their parents said "no" to circumcision.

No national or international medical organization in the world recommends infant circumcision.

Additional Gomco Style Circumcision:


  1. I live in the UK, its not done here unless for medical necessity. It's such a barbaric practice. The stills were enough, couldn't bring myself to watch the video, poor little lamb.

    1. I live in the US and I wish that it was like that here. It's so mainstream that it's sickening. No one even does any research about it. It's just something that you do. I wish people would educate themselves before they follow the crowd. I feel like everyone in this country does things because other people do it and it makes me so mad.

  2. This is awful. I live in the Sparks/Reno area and have not found a pediatrician yet who is not a circumciser.Poor baby!

  3. I called this doctor's office after viewing this video and was told that the doctor did this circumcision on his own son. I told them that he should be put in jail for the sexual assault of his child, and that he was no different from the people in Africa who genitally mutilate their daughters.

    He doesn't know the harm he did to this baby, because this was probably was done to him and he doesn't know what the foreskin is for. Those who were sexually abused as children are at increased risk of becoming sexual abusers. It's true in his case.

    If you want to call their office to voice your opinion of what he did and does, his office number is (775) 359-7111.

    Here's hiis address:
    Kevin M. Windisch MD, FAAP
    Sparks Pediatric And Adolescent Medicine
    975 Roberta Lane Suite 101 B
    Sparks NV 89431

    Dr. Windisch is a Board Certified General Pediatrician. He has been practicing in the Northern Nevada Area since 1999. He is an Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Nevada School of Medicine, UNR School of Nursing, UNLV School of Nursing, Samuel Merrit University and Graceland University.

    You can read the resume of this ignorant, clueless doctor at:

    For all the degrees he earned, he failed to get a degree in compassion, love for his child, and basic common decency and respect for the rights of children. And this man is a pediatrician! God help us all with doctors like this.

    1. Couldn't agree with you more. This is nothing more than child abuse and it needs to be outlawed.

  4. that is just too awful...

  5. I can't watch videos like this. You're right- I know that the poor little guy's cries WOULD haunt me. It's so unfair that he had to have a start like this to his life.

    I thank God that my babies were born in a hospital where no one ever even mentioned "the c-word" to me.

    1. I think that anyone who wants to put their baby through that should have to watch 10 videos of babies being circumcised. Hear their cries of pain. See how painful their penis looks after it's done. If every parent had to watch a video of them cutting, pulling, and mutilating the foreskin, I bet most would back out.

  6. Just looking at the pictures makes me almost fain, just the idea what a boy goes through while being circumcised. I am totally anti-circumcision, was before I educated myself and am even more so after it. Beyond awful and cruel. Plain barbaric, and not necessary.

    I would NEVER want to put my child through this, not even in the name of religion. I'm going to put this link on my Birth and Healthy Living blog page.

    Dagmar's momsense

  7. I encourage parents to call their pediatrician’s office to ask if he or she is a circumcising doctor, or is he or she a doctor who respects the bodily integrity rights of children. If your doctor sexually mutilates boys by circumcision, find a different pediatrician or family practice doctor who does not circumcise. As responsible parents, call the pediatricians and family practice doctors where you live and learn which are the doctors who take seriously their oath to “First, Do No Harm” and which doctors who do not. Why would you want to trust the care of your children to any doctor who sexually mutilates children for profit?

    Mothers should call their obstetricians/gynecologists and ask if their ob/gyn mutilates baby boys by circumcision. Look for an ob/gyn who respects the rights of all infants. Change doctors if you must, and let the circumcising doctor know why you are leaving his or her practice and are going elsewhere. Tell the new doctor who doesn’t circumcise why you are switching to his or her practice.

    Hit circumcising doctors where it hurts them the most- in their wallets. Circumcise these circumcising doctors financially! Don’t place yourself or your children in their care. They don’t deserve your business, and you deserve to be treated by an ethical doctor who doesn’t abuse children.

  8. I have watched this video and two others. I hear them every night in my dreams. Thus, I post everywhere about male genital mutilation now. Needless to say, I have family members that no longer speak to me due to my "signature" line of protect boys from male genital mutilation (among others such as all babies should breastfeed) on my email. If I save one baby boy from this, then I don't care if my family never speaks to me again. No one in my life is worth putting a baby through that kind of pain, no one.

  9. Just reading this and seeing the stills are more than enough. I have no children yet, but I have already decided that no son of mine will be circumcised! My husband (who is circumcised) is 100% supportive of this decision. Neither of us see a point to circumcision; we see it as unnecessary suffering for both parents and baby.

  10. Every parent considering infant circumcision should watch a video of the procedure so they know what they would be subjecting their son to. And, they should check out:

    Here are some factoids:

    The current US infant circumcision rate is 32% (CDC, 2010).

    More than 100 American boys die each year as a result of their circumcision (Bollinger, 2010).

    Most doctors DON'T have their son circumcised (Topp, 1978).

  11. Did he forget to mention that the baby could die?
    Yes, he did.
    So... informed consent? Okkkay.
    What about his moral values? In his speech he told the mother that it was a purely cosmetic surgery. So he thinks it is okay to perform cosmetic surgeries on newborns? Would he put silicon boobs in a baby girl? Would he cut a baby boys nipples off? Is that ETHICAL for a medical doctor?

  12. I wish I could shout from the rooftops how against this I am. I couldn't even get through the entire video. I shudder when people tell my they did this to there son. But why am I always so worried about offending them?! When they ask me if I had it done to my son I wish I had the guts to say. "No way, I'd never cut of any healthy part of my son!! or NO WAY I could never mutilate or abuse my child." Instead I just say. Nope.

  13. Oh my goodness, that is absolutely the most awful thing I have ever seen. I cried and shook right along with that poor baby. I don't have any sons...but if I ever do, there is NO way I would put him through that. So sad :(

  14. As a midwife, I need to be neutral regarding this oh-so-unnecessary surgery but man, is that ever difficult. We North Americans continue to do [cosmetic] surgery on minors that has absolutely no health benefits while the rest of the world watches us and wonders what the heck we are thinking (ask a European what they think of circumcision).
    The sad part of this however, is that those who do choose to not circumcise their little boys still do not have access to the information that they need and some even second guess their decisions. There are still doctors who forcibly retract the foreskin unnecessarily and without warning to the mother.
    I tell mothers of little boys that I come into contact with to not stop their little boys from playing with their penises. It serves a purpose. Little boys do it naturally. Teach them how to retract the foreskin for cleanliness when they are old enough to do it themselves - Teach them why this is important!!! Yes - that means talking about their 'private parts' - but would you rather their friends teach them...?
    I also tell mothers that they are contributing to their future daughter-in-laws comfortable sex lives. Women having sex with uncircumcised men experience less discomfort than with circumcised men. There is something to think about as a mother.
    There shouldn't need to be a 'movement' in this area. Some day there won't need to be. I hope that I see that day in my time.

    1. You don't need to be neutral, if it's something you feel strongly about. I was going to become a midwife, and was planning to tell my prospective clients upfront that I couldn't serve them if they planned to circumcise their baby.

    2. My midwife isn't neutral she tells clients "I work with all my clients and provide detailed research information and support, most people given the facts choose not to circumcise but if you are really committed to circumcision no matter what then I feel that we wouldn't be a good fit for each other."
      I in fact would rather work with a midwife that supports this position, it makes me uncomfortable to work with someone who isn't taking a stand on this very serious potentially life threatening issue.

  15. This video is just awful, I can't see why a parent would knowingly subject their child to a non-medically necessary procedure like this one?

  16. That made my stomach hurt. I have had my other 3 boys circumcised due to non education, I'm so glad I found this website because we just found out we're expecting boy number 4 and I can not do this again. My husband has watched all 3 but never really told me what was going on, I'm sure he just thought it was normal procedures as he is circumcised as well, which was why I did it to them.

  17. I don't even understand the cosmetic part. The foreskin isn't ugly. My baby has his and looks natural and adorable. The reason many Americans think the foreskin is ugly is because they aren't used to it. Well, let's change that!

    1. I agree. As women we can speak up when someone says an un circ'd penis looks like an anteater or whatever rude comment like this, and counter with a different opinion, We can't sit by silently allowing these comments to take place without saying something in defence of the natural (and uncut) male penis. My own son was beautiful just was he was and didn't need alteration. I have never been with an intact male before myself and never will as I'm married to a circumcised man, but I'm kinda' sad about that! I feel like I missed out on something. If we speak up, over time public opinion will change, what seems acceptable will change, and the uncut penis will become the norm and the cut one will be seen for what it is, something unnatural, a surgically mutilated penis.

  18. I don't even know how this mother could watch that KNOWING it was simply cosmetic. We had our oldest circumcised and even though i signed a consent it was very confusing and medical mumbo jumbo. No one verbally told us anything. I truly thought i was protecting him from severe infections and dieases. At least i can claim absoulte ignorance. That probably didnt' matter to my oldest who probably scremed his head off(we were not there). GOd damnit, how is this even allowed. I thank my friend Sarah who made me see what circumcision really was. I hated her at first. But god, i thank her now, so much. Cuz at least my youngest son was spared this horrific pain.

  19. I have to point out that he says "There is a risk of removing all or part of the penis." Really?

    1. Yes, the doctor is ignorant, and an indiot. And probably pompous and full of himself since he's a "doctor."

  20. The pictures are terrible even without watching the video. If we have a son we will NOT be subjecting him to this unnecessary, barbaric procedure. In my state the circ rate is still close to 70%! I have been trying to bring it up tactfully to moms that are pregnant so they can make a truly informed decision. Even in the "childbirth prep" class that I have been auditing, the teacher was extremely wishy-washy about it. I guess the hospital doesn't 'allow' her to take a stand against it. She had to admit that babies do die from the procedure when I asked, though.

  21. This makes me want to vomit. People that do this should be in jail with the other criminal that commit crimes against children. It is outrageous that such barbaric cruelty is still tolerated in our "modern" society.

  22. Oh my god, that is horrific! I just want to grab my sweet boy and hug him tight and thank the stars that I found the right information at the right time. It could so easily have been me subjecting my son to that in different circumstances.

  23. I definitely don't think any man would want his son circumcised after seeing this. What a horror film! I am glad I now know how horrible this practice is and I can share it with my friends and family.

  24. omg this is awful.
    i shout never let them do something like that on my baby.

    is this not illigal?
    i live in the netherlands so i think it is in my country (i hope)

  25. If parents actually watched this all the way through, they would NEVER do it. Now I understand why Dr. Fleiss would say to new parents "If you start off allowing violence to be done to your baby, we will never agree on philosophy of child raising, so I won't take you on as a patient if you circumcise, knowing what you know.

  26. Couldn't make myself watch the video, the photos where heartbreaking enough. Any son of mine will have to be cut over my dead body. Is it legal for doctors to do retraction on newborns, like if the baby is taken to the nursery, can they or the nurses do it without my consent???

  27. Ember's Mommy -

    It is medical malpractice, but it happens *all the time.* You'll want to keep your baby with you, and be clear that YOU will do any and all diaper changes.

    Some people put stickers on their son's diaper "INTACT DO NOT RETRACT" like these:

    Some have a little onesie for their son that says something similar. I thought these were pretty direct "Don't Retract or my mom will sue"

    Or they use a sharpee marker and write it on their son's diaper.

    Here are some articles you may be interested in:

    Forced Retraction: Don't Let it Happen to Your Son

    Only Clean What is Seen: Reversing the Epidemic of Forced Retraction:

    Doctors Opposing Circumcision Statement for Physicians and Nurses on
    Forced Retraction:

    Medical Testing: Do Not Retract:

    Forced Retraction: Ask the Experts

    Forced Retraction? Now What?

    And additional information on intact care:

    The Functions of the Foreskin:

    Phony Phimosis Diagnosis:

    National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers
    Publication on care of the intact penis:

    Raising Intact Sons:

    Basic Care of the Intact Child:

    Protect Your Intact Son:

    How the Foreskin Protects Against UTI:

  28. I feel sick after watching that. I couldn't imagine choosing to have my own child be cut into like that.

    Luckily for him and me, my boyfriend is intact. I just want to go hug his mom and thank her!

  29. My heart cries out for this poor baby and other babies that experience this awful and unnecessary procedure. I live in New Zealand, where thankfully MGM is very, very, very uncommon, and the intact penis is the norm. I have 2 daughters and couldn't imagine consenting to someone taking a knife to their genitalia, so can't see how it's ok for a little boy.

    My father and brother are both circumcised, which I found out from my mother this past weekend, and was quite shocked. Mum couldn't give me a reason why - she just chose to do that to her son, even though her own father & brother are intact (my grandparents are English). What shocked me the most is how my mother said "she decided" and that maybe if my brother has a son "he'll decide" to not circumcise - when is it someone elses decision to forever change another person's body?!?!

    I'm lucky that my mother and father-in-law kept my husband intact - my sex life thanks them - but they didn't see any reason to circumcise - and my MIL is a nurse!

    I just suppose I find it surprising how some parents can be so blase about it all - this is your baby!!! The child you chose to bring into the world, who you promised you'd protect from harm.

    I know I sound like I'm rambling, but I guess I'm just in shock that not only did the mother sob through the whole procedure, instead of stepping in and running away with little Ben(as I would've done) as soon as he started screaming with the anaesthetic injection, but that a father would actually cut his own son!!!!

  30. Note the mother pretending to block her ears while he minimises the risks. She might as well have done it for real. Where does he think "Hollywood movies" got the idea that circumcision could remove the whole penis? See "complications" in the Intactivism pages.

  31. I can't help but notice the look on the moms face. She doesn't want to hear the risks, she looks worried, scared, unsure, and I'm sure she is cringing hearing her baby scream and cry, because I sure was. That's called INSTINCT, and you know what you are subjecting your child to is WRONG WRONG WRONG. So why not follow that instinct??

  32. The doctor masturbates the infant's penis before a circ and the mohel sucks the baby's penis after the circ. No wonder the world is a friggin' mess!!

  33. Oh, these poor babies. I am so glad I had people in my life who educated me and educating myself so that I didn't ignorantly do this to my boys.

  34. I feel so bad for that baby. I'm NEVER doing this to any son I may have. No BS excuses like "hygiene" - it's called showering!

  35. Unfortunately, many will see this video and hear how the baby stops screaming at the end and think he's no longer in pain. What has happened is his little body has reached a level of shock. I've seen circumcisions in real life (I'm a nurse and seeing circs in nursing school was a real eye opener). Babies go into shock fairly often. This doctor used a pain blocker but most do not. You can see the penile block didn't stop the crying.
    It's awful anyone would do this to their child.

  36. blessed mom of 4May 06, 2011 4:19 PM

    The photos alone make me cringe. I'm sure the video would wrench my gut, so I just can't watch it. I am so relieved that i was unable to circ my first boy (due to his heart condition). And I am completely secure in my decision to leave our 2nd boy intact. I know for a fact I will never let this happen to any more boys I might be blessed with!!! I wish all expecting moms were given all the gory details on this subject during pregnancy, so that they make a truely informed decision, instead of just blindly doing what their mother or mother-in-law did decades ago. Watching a video like this should be in all birthing classes. You would see the circ rate drop to a miniscule amount practically overnight if mothers were informed with all the facts beforehand. And shame shame shame on the doctors who see it as another way to profit from uninformed parents; just sickening.

  37. Tears, shock and awe at first, then rage and anger and a desire to use a hot poker on the doc's sensitive orifices and all other misinformed, ignorant, and plain wicked & evil miscreants to see how they would like it.

    I began to look into this 10 years ago and this sums it up. The worst is the calm detachment of the medics and then all the sycophants who listen to them.

    To those who keep railing about "choice" -- bottom line: IT'S NOT YOUR FREAKIN' BODY! This from mothers / fathers who would raise holy heck if their "choice to abort" were removed since "no one will tell me what to do with MY body" -- imagine the infant having this choice too? What gives you parents the right?! And to even equate this with diaper and formula "choice?" Absolute incomprehensible idiocy.

    Next reality check - medical system are LIARS. Why do you place faith in anything they say? They lie about HIV, cancer, heart disease, vaccination, pharma drugs and approvals, ad infinitum. They openly admit in the JAMA that 1/4 of studies are fraudulent -- they hold up the mantle of "science" and authority but scientific studies are human, flawed, and swayed to whomever pays for them. Get out of the matrix and THINK for oneself for once.

    Your doc may be a great sincere guy but the entire system is hopelessly corrupt and this is medical TERROR. Get the facts and opt out.

    Sorry to sound so angry but look at this and tell me so many of us are not suffering from unresolved trauma and assault and PTSD. Most of these comments are from women / mothers but I'm a very angry assaulted man. I will suffer no fools and no sheeplike ignorant young moms and the moronic "locker room / look like me / well the doc said so" dads either.

    Is this done simply for money or just plain fun brutality? How out of touch is America from Europe or any other part of the world?

    Get the word out folks.

  38. I have been against MGM for years.. but this was probably the most eye opening thing I have read or first husband suffers serious mental issues and an addiction to violent pornography.. he had a terribly scarred penis and he and I discussed whether circumcision impacted him. How any parent could cut something off of their baby for cosmetic reasons is beyond me. It is imperative we all speak up -- I am only posting anonymously in respect to my first husband's feelings.

  39. I just don't understand how someone could even do this to their OWN son KNOWING it's cosmetic. It's sick. Parents are supposed to PROTECT their children, not harm them. =( I could have done without knowing that this baby was the son of the doctor performing the circumcision. I think I'm even more disturbed about this video than I was before.

  40. wish i had found this video before the circumcision debate, i would have LOVED to make my MIL watch this. she said "you HAVE to have it done", the locker room lie, the it's cleaner lie, the he won't remember it lie, the it'll be easier on him if he's younger lie. she even had me speak to her dr. that's also a friend of hers, and has been her dr. for 30 yrs. he was in favor (my son is 9 months old, so it wasn't that long ago). a few facts later, and a well placed "well that's fine we can circumcise him, but if i have a girl i want her to have some big ol' breast implants so she looks like me" my son has his whole penis.

  41. I know a girl who is very young, shes only like 19, due to have a baby boy in less then 3 weeks. I sent her this video and of course as I expected I got no reply from her! But hopefully I at least made her THINK!

  42. Dr. Momma. I know for a fact that my SIL was completely ignorant about circumcision. She didn't research it before she had her baby boy, only 15 months ago. It was some of my posts on facebook that got her alarmed, angry, then sending me "circ prevents... fill in the blank". They ended with my one liner reply... Why didn't you have your daughter's circumised to for the female equivalent of said problems?

    Point of my post.... Can you interview doctors that perform circumcisions, especially those that believe they are truly cosmetic, and why do they still perform them? Why do the doctors ask the patient to have it done (well the patient's guardian). Why can't the doctors tell the patients the truth about circumcision? I realize the power of doctors. Of course, no doctor would perform surgery on a newborn for only cosmetic reasons without anethesia, right? Who would even fathom that.

    Please please please... interview the doctors and nurses that perform these. Yet, do nothing to stop it. Do they adovate for their neighbors? Do they distribute information on the weekends? Or is losign their job more important.

    It is the people in POWER that can stop this abuse. Until they "want to" or"can"....

    1. Better still, instead of telling the woman, "We'll do your daughter the same way for the same problems," why not say to her, "As long as the doctors are 'down there,' while you're giving birth, why not have your clitoral hood removed-- it's just excess skin anyway, doesn't serve any real purpose, you'll be able to keep it cleaner etc etc..." See what she says.

  43. Why don't they inform parents about this procedure in childbirth classes or pregnancy classes? I think they should show a circumcision being performed just like they show women giving birth. What is wrong with this picture? I am sure that if parents could witness this procedure they would not be able to agree to have it done to their perfect little baby boy.

  44. I feel sick and so sad. I'm in the UK where it is not common practice, but it is still common practice amongst my friends in South Africa. Poor little boy...I would NEVER have been able to stand there and let it happen. Not unless it was a medical necessity, which it certainly isn't! :-(

  45. im surprised that a doctor has to make the newborn have an erection just so he could cut off the skin isnt it more likely for the circumcision to hurt worse if the newborns penis is swollen to begin with i mean the penis is sensitive when an erection happens so why make the pain worse by exposing them to somthing that they shouldn't even be feeling untill they are teens, its like having ur infant touched by a pedafile the infants are better off without circumcision

  46. I def. feel there is a connection between sexual trauma/voiolence and circumcision. The three intact lovers I have had the pleasure of being intimate with were/are incredibly sensitive and intuitive lovers. Sex with them was tender, gentle and loving. The 6 circed men I have been with all had sexual "issues" of one sort or another from the relatively mild issue of taking longer and needing more/stronger stimulation to reach orgasm to the more profound psychological need to incorporate violence and domination into the sex act. I cannot believe it was a mere matter of coincidence that it turned out that way. We are terrorizing and multilating our male population. Both physically and psychologically. It really has got to stop.

    1. My boyfriend is intact and could never reach orgasm unless he manually stimulated himself. Because he had a porn addiction. He used to also be a rather aggressive lover. While I don't agree with MGM, I don't necessarily think that is the root of the issues you have mentioned.

  47. This was the first (and last) circumcision video I watched. I didn't find it here. I was so disturbed, I actually pm'ed the dr. who posted it. He said HE found it disturbing that I would watch such a thing, as it was intended for medical professionals, to educate, and basically called me a pervert for watching it. What a piece of shit.

  48. Wow - that was awful to watch. The procedure would be nasty enough under general anesthesia (which is understandably avoided with a newborn unless medically necessary)but as a conscious operation the crying and screaming is unbearable to hear. I cannot image how desensitized a doctor has to become to be able to do this procedure. I was circumsized in the 1960's for "medical" or "customary" reasons. It did turn out to be helpful for me as an adult convert to Judaism to not have to undergo the procedure as an adult (I did have a drop of blood drawn in a ritual procedure). I don't have and at this point don't expect to have any male babies but that video is horrifying enough to make me swear off the procedure - I could not watch my child going though that. I very much appreciated the link to the discussion of what brit milah may have been like in the early biblical days.

  49. Just a short followup on my recent Anonymous posting about my 1960's circ and later Jewish conversion. I long ago resolved that there was no justification for circ other than the religious mandate which I basically had just accepted as the way it is. The horror of viewing that video as well as the many thought-provoking comments here, as well as the comparison with female circ that I had long ago abhorred as well as some recent Jewish blogs I have been reading about tradition vs. morals are bringing me to a very different attitude about this procedure. Thanks for the information.

  50. Thanks to lauraleighton for posting about her message exchange with the doctor performing the circ in the video. A very insightful and disturbing comment from the doctor that only other doctors should be watching it. Why the concern for secrecy unless he is already very aware of how disturbing the prcedure is? It is hard to grasp what doctors stand to gain from promoting/performing the procedure other than a paycheck. And NO doctor is ever justified in hiding a medical procedure from the public. Secrecy means you have guilt or something to hide.

  51. This is absoulutely sad! Who could do that to a helpless child! I feel so bad!:(

  52. This is child abuse! Plain and simple , just awful! However any parent can stand there and allow this to happen is beyond me!

  53. We watched a video while we were still in the hospital trying to make the decision to circumcise or not with our first son (a surprise after 3 girls). I told my husband then that I did not feel that I had the right to make the decision to do that for our son, and he would have to choose. My husband is circ'd so the only "reason" we would have had to cut him would be for him to "look like his dad". Luckily after watching this and speaking to our pediatrician about any medical reason to do so we felt like we had no reason to circumcise him. We also had no religious reasons. We decided not to circumcise and I am SO GLAD! We now have a second son who is also intact.
    I can't believe the number of parents who do this to their children. It is horrific. Of all my friends I am the only one who has left my son intact.

  54. As horrific as these videos are, the sad thing is that this is the just the beginning of the damage. What is more disturbing is that every future sexual experience will be diminished and muted by this act.

  55. there is a bill to end the practice of baby boy circumcision and people working tirelessly to get congress to pay attention to this issue. you can help bring this issue to light and make it stand out to your congress people. spread the word to others as well. hopefully this will be banned some day and people will look back and say "i can't believe those awful barbarians could do such a thing to their sons!" until then spread awareness one family/community at a time and save one boy at a time such a horrifying and sorrowful entrance into the world.

    help bill pass here

  56. After watching this I could never imagin why parents would want to do this to their babies! I have a daughter but some day if i have a boy I will not think twice about leaving him intact.

  57. iwanted to slap the mom in the first video,he started to read the informed consent and she was covering her ears like nono oh don't scare me i don't want to hear it i just want his penis to look a certain way...uhhg i had to turn down the volume when they put the baby down and nearly threw up when they gave the shot. i don't know if i should even try to watch the rest of the video...i saw a grainy video of one being done and a graphic description being done when i was researching whether or not to have it done on my baby if he was a boy (he was) i shut the video and when he was born the nurse asked me if i wanted it done i snapped back immidiatley with no time between the end of her sentance and my answer NO! the look on her face i offended the poor woman (with the way i responded i know ) but it was a protective respone amazing how fast that insting we have kicks in, i have no idea how some moms can ignore it for something that is purly asthetic as this doc put it.

    1. Im glad theres women like you, why?
      you have no idea of how many times i've read

      "i didnt know what a circumsion was, but my husband is and i did it to all my kids because otherwise they would ask why his penis is different from his dad's.
      now, i know and i dont like it but i dont want my future baby to be different"

      those people are just ignorant =/

  58. We circumcise our children, not because of medical reasons, but because we are CHRISTIAN American!If you aren't willing to give up your foreskin and your worldly sexual pleasure to God, how can you say you are a real Christian who is willing to die for the Lord? Circumcision needs to become mandatory for all American boys, because we are a CHRISTIAN NATION! If you don't like what we do here then all I tell you is to GET THE HELL OUT OF AMERICA!

    1. I am wondering where in the Bible God says to give up your foreskin and follow him? The Bible says it's your heart that he wants not your foreskin. Paul actually says that it does not matter if you are circumcised or not. Jesus came to fulfill the law and get rid of rituals that require us to be "clean" for God- Jesus shed his blood so we no longer have to shed ours in circumcision. Circumcision was tossed out along with wearing mixed clothes, eating pig and animal sacrifice. Saying that you need to be circumcised to be a real Christian is saying that what Christ did on the cross had no meaning!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If you, as an adult man, wish to cut off a part of your penis in sacrifice to the Lord - by all means, go right ahead. But no infant child is choosing to cut his penis up for the glory of God. Your right to practice YOUR chosen faith end where another human being's body begins.

    4. The New Testament clearly states that circumcision no longer has no value to a Christian. It is even called "mutilation" in some scriptures.

      Gal. 5:2-3 "Behold, I Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing! And I testify again to every male who receives circumcision, that he is in debt to keep the whole Law. You who do so have been severed from Christ. . . you have fallen from grace."

      Gal. 5:6 "For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcised gives spiritual power, but faith working through love."

      Gal. 5:11-12 "But if I still proclaim circumcision. . . then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished. I wish that those who are pushing you to do so would mutilate themselves!"

      Gal. 6: 12-16 "Those who desire to make a good showing in the flesh try to compel you to be circumcised, simply that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. . . They desire to have you circumcised so they may boast in your flesh. . . for neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcised..."

      Phil. 3:2 "Beware of the dogs! Beware of the evil workers! Beware of the mutilation! For WE are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God, and glory in Christ Jesus, and put NO confidence in the flesh!"

    5. Christians are not supposed to still be practicing circumcision. Circumcision only has value if you are JEWISH. It is part of the old covenant (a token sacrifice of flesh to recognize the covenant between God and Abraham, and the mark of the Jew, God's chosen people at the time). Christians are under the new covenant (Baptism in Christ) and if you practice the old covenant then you are putting no confidence in Christ alone for salvation and have "fallen from grace".

    6. Ummm Did you say you are CHRISTIAN? God's word in the New Testament tells us all that Jesus came to redeem us from sin and blood covenant. If you research the origins of circumcision in the Old
      Testament you will find that is exactly what circumcision is a Blood covenant. In fact the New Testament even warns us that circumcision means NOTHING and as CHRISTIANS we are to circumcise our hearts and that we are to beware of people placing importance on the old circumcision. Please study up because misrepresenting Gods word is also a very grave sin.

    7. ‎"Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, Christ will be of no advantage to you." – Gal 5:2

      "And even those who advocate circumcision don’t really keep the whole law. They only want you to be circumcised so they can brag about it and claim you as their disciples." – Gal 6:13

      "For there are many who rebel against right teaching; they engage in useless talk and deceive people. This is especially true of those who insist on circumcision for salvation. They must be silenced. By their wrong teaching, they have already turned whole families away from the truth. Such teachers only want your money" – Titus 1:10-11

      "Watch out for those wicked men – dangerous dogs, I call them – who say you must be circumcised. Beware of the evil doers. Beware of the mutilation. For it isn’t the cutting of our bodies that makes us children of God; it is worshiping him with our spirits." – Phil 3:2-3

      "And I testify again to every male who receives circumcision, that he is in debt to keep the whole Law. You who do so have been severed from have fallen from grace." - Gal 5:3

      "As God has called each man, in this manner let him walk. And thus I command in all the churches. Was any man called in the circumcision [Old Covenant]? Let him not try to become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in the uncircumcision [New Covenant in Christ]? Let him not be circumcised! Circumcision is nothing. And uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God. Let each man remain in that condition in which he was called." - 1 Cor. 7:17

      "And some men came and were teaching the brethren, 'Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.' But Paul and Barnabas together had great dissension and disputing with these men. . . Then Peter stood up and said to them 'Why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?" - Acts 15:1-2, 7, 10

      "But if I still proclaim circumcision. . . then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished." - Gal 5:11

      "I wish that those who are pushing you to do so would mutilate themselves!" - Gal 5:12

    8. How can a newborn baby be "willing" to give up his foreskin? He has no idea why he is being strapped down and having a sensitive piece of his body sliced off with inadequate or NO anesthesia...there is no way he could be thinking, "I'm doing this because I'm giving up my worldly sexual pleasure to God". The only thing that baby knows is that he is in excruciating pain, and no one will help him.

    9. I'm christian too, perhaps our bibles are different? Because in my CHRISTIAN bible it says we don't have to circumcise our children.That if you came to the Christian faith uncircumcised, then you should be left that way. If you are a christian i assume that means your son(s) will be born into your faith, therefore they are joining Christianity whole & should be left that way.
      --1 Corinthians 7:17-20
      17 But as God has distributed to each one, as the Lord has called each one, so let him walk. And so I ordain in all the churches. 18 Was anyone called while circumcised? Let him not become uncircumcised. Was anyone called while uncircumcised? Let him not be circumcised. 19 Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing, but keeping the commandments of God is what matters. 20 Let each one remain in the same calling in which he was called.

      When Jesus died for our sins it made the circumsision law a moot point. If you are christian and you believe that Jesus died for our sins, then there is absolutely no need to circumcise your children.

      ---Colossians 2:8-12
      8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. 11 In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, 12 buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.

      Follow the old law of circumscion from the old testement means that you have become estranged in Christ, according to paul:
      --Galatians 5:1-11
      a Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.

      2 Indeed I, Paul, say to you that if you become circumcised, Christ will profit you nothing. 3 And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. 4 You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. 5 For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6 For n Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but faith working through love.

      If you want to circumcise your child, don't hide behind your faith. Especially in a faith that doesn't require you to circumcise. Being Christian has nothing to do with circumcision, period.

    10. Boy, this Anonymous person needs to read his Bible a leetle more thoroughly! The NT is explicit that circumcision was a religious right for Jews while the Old Covenant was in place; but we Christians are in the New Covenant, and Christ paid for all of our sins. Why go back to "the weak and beggarly elements", why go back to the "bondage" that is then Jewish Law, when we have such freedom in Christ? Paul goes so far as to say that circumcision done by Christians for religious reasons actually cuts you off from Christ! Hardly a ringing endorsement for "Christian circumcision".

    11. Perhaps you should actually read your Bible. Infant circumscision is an OLD TESTAMENT covenant, which was fulfilled with Christs' death on the cross. To deny that, is to deny the blood He shed for our salvation. We are no longer bound to Old Testament covenants. Please, read The New Testament. That is what Christians follow.

    12. So what body part do you propose be cut off infant girls? The clitoris?

    13. Sounds like another bored troll. Christians don't only exist in AMURIKA Broseph, they're in many many countries. In Europe there is a HUGE Christian population, and guess what, they almost ALL have their whole penis, including foreskin. I guess you should read that Bible you claim to hold so near and dear to your little heart and realize that God does NOT require foreskins in sacrifice to him. The verses are already up there a couple times, so as you can see, you're full of it.

      -Another Christian, who actually did some research before her kid was born.

    14. You obviously are not a very good christian as noted above, the bible says that christians should NOT be circumcised. I am not even going to touch the other nonsense that you spewed but you are setting a very bad example of what Christians are. I am christian my son is whole just as God made him and just as the bible says he should be. I hope you read the above bible quotes and feel like an idiot for awhile then appologize to your sons!

    15. Historically, Christians DO NOT circumcise their sons, per Paul's arguments against it in the New Testament. In fact, all the branches of Christianity, Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant have historically rejected it as having any spiritual significance. Circumcision only started to be in vogue in the 1800s in Western industrialized nations, and then for hygiene reasons that have been debunked. It is still only a cultural vogue.

      Also, removal of the entire foreskin did not come into practice among Jews until the second century after Christ. So even Torah-observant Christians would have no historical basis to take off the entire foreskin; circumcision before the diaspora, and in Christ's time, consisted only of removing the portion of the foreskin that extended beyond the glans penis.

    16. As a Christian I think that is a crazy statement. It has nothing to do with Christianity. I was ignorant and did it to my first son and I regret it so much but I did not allow it with my second. If I ever have grandchildren I will fight like mad to prevent it. I wouldn't expect much help from politicians most of them have no problem with hacking up an unborn baby and sucking it out of the mother so why would this bother them.

  59. I love when Christians don't even know their own faith! Try actually consulting the Bible about this issue:

    "Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, Christ will be of no advantage to you." – Gal 5:2

    "And even those who advocate circumcision don’t really keep the whole law. They only want you to be circumcised so they can brag about it and claim you as their disciples." – Gal 6:13

    "For there are many who rebel against right teaching; they engage in useless talk and deceive people. This is especially true of those who insist on circumcision for salvation. They must be silenced. By their wrong teaching, they have already turned whole families away from the truth. Such teachers only want your money" – Titus 1:10-11

    "Watch out for those wicked men – dangerous dogs, I call them – who say you must be circumcised. Beware of the evil doers. Beware of the mutilation. For it isn’t the cutting of our bodies that makes us children of God; it is worshiping him with our spirits." – Phil 3:2-3

    "And I testify again to every male who receives circumcision, that he is in debt to keep the whole Law. You who do so have been severed from have fallen from grace." - Gal 5:3

    "As God has called each man, in this manner let him walk. And thus I command in all the churches. Was any man called in the circumcision [Old Covenant]? Let him not try to become uncircumcised. Has anyone been called in the uncircumcision [New Covenant in Christ]? Let him not be circumcised! Circumcision is nothing. And uncircumcision is nothing but the keeping of the commandments of God. Let each man remain in that condition in which he was called." - 1 Cor. 7:17

    "And some men came and were teaching the brethren, 'Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.' But Paul and Barnabas together had great dissension and disputing with these men. . . Then Peter stood up and said to them 'Why do you put God to the test by placing upon the neck of the disciples a yoke which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?" - Acts 15:1-2, 7, 10

    "But if I still proclaim circumcision. . . then the stumbling block of the cross has been abolished." - Gal 5:11

    "I wish that those who are pushing you to do so would mutilate themselves!" - Gal 5:12

  60. I am a follower of Christ. I would like to respond to your comment with my understanding of God's Word on this issue.

    Jesus came to fulfill the law so that women can stay in bed beside their husbands even after childbirth, even during their period. Jesus ate with the undesirable people of his day, tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners. He did not order those different from himself to leave the country. Jesus came to love and he came to be perfect so that the ritual laws of what to eat, whom to touch and not touch, whom to associate with, whom to avoid, would not matter. We are not saved because we are perfect, because we follow laws perfectly, or because we condemn and avoid people who are different from us. We are saved because Jesus loved us, died for us, and welcomes us into the family of God as children and co-heirs who share in HIS righteousness.

    The Bible says plenty about welcoming the stranger (and the Bible says nothing along the lines of "get out of America"). And St. Paul makes it clear that circumcision in the New Testament doesn't matter as a fulfillment of the law. He writes of a circumcision of the heart, meaning, taking the words of Christ and the Ten Commandments, and the love of God into our hearts and living them out by loving other people, something we can only do when the Spirit of God is alive within us. Jesus healed on the sabbath. He shocked the religious authorities of the day by breaking their laws in order to love and heal people. He didn't wield a knife and cut people's foreskins off. Jesus told Peter to put his sword away when he cut off the ear of one of the soldiers who was going to take Jesus to be crucified. I think making a violent cutting of people's bodies something that all Christians must do is a gross misunderstanding of Scripture. Back to the Bible for me and for you, where we can read, learn, mark, inwardly digest, and then let the Holy Spirit work on us. Being Christian is a day in, day out learning to live in the Spirit by getting the LOG out of our own eye, and being less bothered by the splinter in other people's eyes.

    I say let every adult male decide how to care for his own foreskin, and I'm a Christian mom keeping my boys intact, just the way the Creator made them. Thanks for the Scriptures that others have shared here. I will be going back to my Bible to read and study them in context as I seek to know what God's Word says about these ideas. I hope you will join me in reading these verses so that we can learn and understand them.

  61. Just to echo the above sentiments...Circumcision was a law for the Jews. Jesus came to set us free from the law. It's as simple as that.

  62. roger desmoulinsMay 22, 2012 4:18 PM

    The Founding Fathers believed in God the Creator and the Lord of the Universe, that human beings have a spiritual essence called a soul, and that a human's conduct during his finite earthly life determined the soul's fate in the afterlife. That said, references to Christ and the New Testament in their writings were relatively rare. Most of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were one or more of Deists and Freemasons, and lukewarm Christians at best. (Abraham Lincoln was similar.) Such was the latter 18th century. A major religious revival began in the USA around 1800-10. This led to the sidelining of the writings of Thomas Paine, one of the few Founders who wrote explicitly that he was not a Christian.

    The high rate of church attendance that characterises the USA in recent decades was impossible as long as the USA was a thinly settled frontier nation, with most families living on family farms. American did not become a majority urban nation until the 1920 census.

    Nothing I say here in any way explains the American fascination with routine infant circumcision in the maternity ward. I was educated in Roman Catholic schools, where Biblical circumcision was not explained in any way. I rather doubt circumcision was explained in Protestant Sunday school either. If brit milah is well explained in Hebrew School, that is a fact that no Jew has seen fit to reveal on the internet. Ergo, circumcision is an imperative act, but also one that cannot be explained in a manner that is free of lewdness and shame.

  63. roger desmoulinsMay 22, 2012 4:37 PM

    Thank you God for having inspired your Apostle Paul to condemn circumcision with such ringing language.

    My reply to "America love it or leave it".

    Leviticus 19:34: "But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt..."

    Jeremiah 22:3 "Do what is right and just; rescue the wronged from their oppressors; do nothing wrong or violent to the STRANGER, orphan or widow;"

    Hebrews 13:2. "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

    The belief that a boy and a man's intimate body must look a certain way, or else his social life will be one long agony of humiliation and self-consciousness, is a form of idolatry, perhaps even a pagan phallic cult. It denies that the natural penis is a fruit of God's wisdom.

  64. My wife wanted our son cut. I told her fine.... After they slice on you they can do him.
    Our son was left intact!

  65. I have the circumcision video from the doctor in 2009 that says "embedded upon request" saved/download to my computer. Would you like it emailed to you? This way, this link isn't constantly broken?

    1. Thank you - you may send to - appreciate the help.

  66. I'm not against most things; I feel people should do whatever they want.
    But this.... this is not right.
    Not only is it inhumane, but it's not even the baby's choice! You know, the baby? The one having a piece of the most sensitive part of his body removed??
    I feel that people who are trying to outlaw abortion--which in most cases is the best choice for everyone, baby included--should change their views and work on outlawing circumcision!
    I'm not a parent--nor do I ever plan to be--but this needs to stop.

  67. This is rather gross and sad.
    The reason why this is done systematically in the US is mere IGNORANCE.
    I'm a girl (thankfully from a country were this isnt common) and just watching the stills out of the corner of my eye is enough.
    I hope someday (and I hope it's soon) this will be stopped

    (For those who they do it because of religion, do they really think God created you the wrong way, so you have to mutilate your baby boys to make the be "right"?)

  68. I can't look at that sweet baby's face knowing he is about to be put through such a horrendous vile thing. His little face is so trusting and innocence, he has no idea what's going on or what is about to happen to him.
    My heart breaks for him. I hold my own sweet perfect intact son and I am so glad I learned about this. This makes me sick. Why must this go on?

  69. How about letting the boy decide on his own when he's grown up enough to know if he wants to be circumcised? Why is this not up to the boy himself?
    It's his body after all and the boy should decide to be cut or not.

    In America, unfortunately, we have some very shallow people who are put off by an intact penis. As a male I've been in a relationship with a female who didn't like foreskin on a guy and I have heard of this before. Many american women allow this to happen because they sometimes think a circumcised penis is more attractive and they don't care much about the victim if he's male. Dad's allow it because it happened to them as in infant and it seems perfectly normal and routine to them.
    I suspect that if female babies were subjected to this same treatment in the US there would be a huge vocal outcry everywhere with marches and special awareness ribbons and laws would immediately change making circumcision officially illegal in the US.

  70. I find it interesting that most comments against circumcision are posted by women or anonymously.
    If it is so bad for males even in their adult life to have been circumcised, I wonder why men are not the majority of posting comments against this practice. After all, it is them who went through the procedure.

  71. I have 2 sons-who are 31 & 26 now-& neither of them was butchered. I've always been against it. But I'm going to be a grandmother-for the 1st time, in a few months. My daughter is having a son & they've decided to have him circumcised. I'm SO heart-broken!! We've argued about it-but their decision hasn't changed. I cried, shook & had nightmares-for days-after watching this video. & am heart-sick-beyond words-that my baby grandson will go through this!!
    I also believe that if we started waiting until males were adults, & circumcised them--exactly the way its done in this video--that this "operation" would never be performed on anyone again!!!

    1. Anon - you may want to have Saving Our Sons send a small package of information directly to your daughter - they will do so for free by emailing It has helped many parents look into things further and opt to keep their son intact. There is also a full informational pack here that can be ordered as well if you think she would be willing to look at some DVDs or research on the topic:

  72. I cannot believe we had this done to all 3 of our boys out of ignorance! The youngest is only 3 months. They told me that they numb them and they do not feel anything. My husband is circumsized and he wanted the boys to be too. It just seemed the normal thing to do. I am sick sick sick sick about this. I feel like a horrible parent. God I wish this information and these videos made it to me sooner! I am so distraught by this! My poor babies!!!

  73. I think if a circumcision is done on a newborn a woman should preform it because women have a lot more gentle hands than a man a woman would be a little more gentle with the little guys pee pee men are very rough with everything

    1. I'm an RN at a large metro hospital. I've witnessed as many female med students perform circumcision as male med students (and, yes, it is usually med students who are doing the cutting at large teaching hospitals)... Trust me, there is no such thing as 'gentle' genital cutting. It is all a horror. It is all abuse. I've never seen a baby who doesn't completely change from happy/content/easy-to-comfort to sullen/scared/anxious/crying/withdrawn. It makes no difference who does the cutting - these are little, tiny, fragile, highly sensitive human beings we are talking about. I wouldn't want my genitals cut by a woman any more than I would by a man. And if you and I don't want someone taking a blade to ours, maybe we should grant our babies' this same basic care in their early days of life.

  74. GOD knows what to put and what not to put in our body.
    Circumcision means insulting the GOD. Its like we humans are correcting the flaws GOD made on us.

  75. As a male, why am I not protected by the law against this quackery?
    Male or Female, no one should have part of their genitals cut off without their consent (18+).

  76. Unbelievable. So this is what happened to me.

  77. I live in the U.S. and my brother was having his first child (a boy) and he myself and our father were talking about wither to circumcise him. I can't remember his decision but I believe he (the baby) was. I asked my dad why I was cut, if it was religious (as some cases are done for religious purposes) or medical. He told me that I was cut for medical reasons, my brother (if memory serves right) for astetics and because we both had the procedure done at the same time.

    I don't like that way this article states the information. They present it as a evil and horible when there are worse things in the world. Parents should be well informed and if one or both refuse to listen to the information the child should not circumsiced. A child should only be circumsiced if it is for a medical reason.

    1. The only medical justifications for amputating the prepuce organ are:

      -gangrene (tissue death) of the prepuce
      -cancer of the prepuce
      -frostbite of the prepuce (again, tissue death)
      -diabetes impacting the integrity of the prepuce

      In all these cases, an individual is likely to have a lot more to worry about than maintaining his/her genitals as these things are so incredibly rare and difficult to actually come by.

      It is more likely that someone told your parents it was being done for 'medical reasons' that were faulty -- in much the same way as nations that routine circumcise girls are doing so for 'medical reasons.'

  78. After I watched the video I ask why don't the medical profession take notes of how Jewish perform the procedure: a lot less pain.
