The Anesthesiologist, OB and Midwife

An anesthesiologist, an OB, and a midwife walk into a bar.

The anesthesiologist orders a pitcher of stout and a double burger; the OB orders a Reuben and a bottle of red wine; the midwife orders their biggest plate of steak and fries with a margarita. They all sit in a booth and share war stories.

A long time passes, and the three realize something has gone wrong with their order. They decide to find out what the problem is.

They find the bus boy just behind the swinging double doors to the kitchen. He is struggling to get their overloaded cart from the tiled kitchen to the carpeted dining area. The wheels keep catching on the bump.

The anesthesiologist kneels down and examined the tires. "You just need to inject something here in the back. Then everything will go better."

The OB leans down to look at the carpet. "This part of the carpet is blocking the cart. Give me a knife and I'll just give it a little cut to help things along."

The midwife leans over to the bus boy and whispers loudly in his ear, "You can do this! Just PUSH!"


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