Should I Nurse My Baby From Both Sides?

BREASTFEEDING - Should I offer both breasts?

Mammal mothers don't worry about minutes, milk transfer, or changing sides. They nurse as long as they feel comfortable in that position, and they change positions when they want to, or when baby stops being happy with what's happening.

Think of a breast as a 'serving.' Some babies want two servings right in a row; some fall asleep after the first one, and save the second for later. Some, who are trying to build milk supply, take three or four or more servings before dozing off.

Since you'll be nursing your baby again whenever s/he tells you they need it, it does not really matter how many servings baby takes in a row - as long as your little one is satisfied when finished. You can trust that your breasts will let you know if you're not feeding enough from one side [they will become firm/engorged.]

-La Leche League's The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding:

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