Today is Global Handwashing Day! But new studies show that despite the media hype and social scare surrounding H1N1 and this season's flu - handwashing has decreased among both men and women.

Researchers for the American Society for Microbiology did not use cameras above sinks as studies in the past have done. Instead, to monitor handwashing behavior, researchers hung out in bathrooms in four major U.S. cities (New York, San Fransisco, Chicago, and Atlanta) and watched as people came and left, washed, or did not wash, their hands. During the month of September, more than 6,000 people were observed and the ASM discovered a 6% decrease in handwashing from 10 years ago.
The research firm, Harris Interactive, polled 1,001 people via telephone during the month of August 2009 and found:
78% report handwashing after eating/preparing food
74% after changing a diaper
42% after petting an animal
34% after coughing or sneezing
25% after handling money
These findings are relatively the same as the last Harris Interactive handwashing polls conducted in 2003 and 2005.
However, Val Curtis, a hygiene specialist at the London School of Hygeine, says that these figures are certainly exaggerated. She says polling people on their handwashing practices is, "a waste of time - they just say 'yes.'"
Curtis' team of researchers recorded handwashing behavior of a quarter million people at rest stops and found that only 32% of men and 65% of women washed their hands after using the restroom. For this study, cameras were not used, and research teams were not 'spying' in bathrooms. Instead, online sensors were places on soap dispensers that monitored persons coming and going from the bathroom, as well as whether or not soap was dispensed.
Curtis reports that the primary goal of these studies is to discover ways we can increase handwashing behavior. About 2 million children die every year due to diarrheal infections and research demonstrates at least 1/2 of these deaths are prevented with proper soap/water handwashing.
In a search for strategies that would lead to better handwashing, Curtis' team placed signs above restroom entrances and sinks. Signs included phrases such as:
Don't Be a Dirty Soap-Dodger
Soap It Off or Eat It Later
Water Doesn't Kill Germs - Soap Does
Soap It Off or Eat It Later
Water Doesn't Kill Germs - Soap Does
Apparently, men are not phased by germ reminders - their handwashing did not increase with the above signs. Women, on the other hand, DID increase their handwashing (by 10%) after reading these signs. The sign that led to the highest increase in handwashing among both women and men read:
Is the Person Next to You Washing With Soap?
Apparently a little old fashioned social desirability-- and the thought that someone may be watching -- does more to increase handwashing than the real threat of germs and illness ever has. With the signs, handwashing increased to 75% of women and 42% of men. Results from the London School of Hygeine study have been published in the American Journal of Public Health.
For a fun and lighthearted, yet research-based look at handwashing and other effective practices to ward off this season's flu and other illnesses, check out the book, The Germ Freak's Guide to Outwitting Colds and the Flu.
Kind of disturbing. Makes me not want to shake hands with anyone!
ReplyDeleteNow in 2011 I've heard experts say, "you don't really need to wash your hands unless they start smelling bad." I don't fully agree with that but I don't feel the need to always wash my hands. Those who always wash their hands risk weakening their immune system. Take a look at this article from an infectious disease website with good hand washing recommendations: