In addition, all are invited to share a photo of the baby-saving mom you know, with some words about what makes her fabulous, and we'll add your Mother's Day wishes to our Baby Saving Moms album on Facebook. [Email this to SavingSons@gmail.com]
Saving Our Sons donations in the following amounts help to cover important efforts each week:
$20 - One expecting mother/family - materials that are sent in the form of an info pack, DVD, book, and being connected with a local resource
$25 - Five small 'Expecting?' information packages designed to introduce new families-to-be to a variety of baby-friendly subjects, including intact info
$40 - Ten 'Don't Retract' physicians' packs mailed to clinicians who are known to have forcibly retracted (and/or encouraged improper care) in the past 8 weeks.
$50 - Stocking supplies needed for 1/2 an intact info booth at a baby/maternity expo, family fair, or health conference
$60 - Materials for one expecting family AND ten 'don't retract' packs to clinicians
$75 - Stocking of 1/2 an intact expo booth AND five 'Expecting' information packs to new families
$80 - Professionally made signs for genital autonomy demonstrations (browse past events: http://www.drmomma.org/2007/04/expos-events.html and find upcoming events: https://www.facebook.com/SavingOurSons/events)
$100 - Stocking of all materials needed for one baby, maternity or health expo booth, where information and resources are shared with hundreds of attendees
$150 - Booth entrance fees for one mid-sized exposition (ensuring an intact info booth is able to be established at baby, maternity, family and health fairs across the United States and internationally; See all Saving Our Sons local Intact Chapters leading expo booths: http://www.savingsons.org/p/local-chapters.html)
$300 - Booth entrance fees for one large-sized exposition (baby, maternity, and family state-wide fairs, health conferences)
For mailing to the mom in your life, include:
- her name
- her email address
- her mailing address [Note: If you'd prefer to forgo mailing items, and only send a digital card, include an email address only.]
- select the Pink Orchids or Green Zen card
- select the Baby Feet or Baby Legs magnet
Include the above information in a note with your donation to Saving Our Sons, or email to SavingSons@gmail.com
Email will be sent on Mother's Day morning (Sunday, May 10th) to all mothers whose addresses are received by midnight 5.9.15. Parcels will ship immediately and may take 2-5 business days to arrive depending on distance from New York.
Pink Orchid Card (above)
Green Zen Card (below)
Baby Feet Magnet (above)
(include a note with your choice)
Baby Legs Magnet (below)
Back side of all cards includes an informative selection of facts and helpful sites:
Need to drop a suggestion to your loved ones? Grab any of the images below to post with a link to this page for sharing.
And THANK YOU for saving babies.
Need to drop a suggestion to your loved ones? Grab any of the images below to post with a link to this page for sharing.
And THANK YOU for saving babies.
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