By Danelle Frisbie © 2009
Do not copy/paste articles or photos without author's express written permission. Contact authors by writing to
I recently posted a brief blurb on Enfamil's new "RestFull" formula ~ designed and marketed to "keep babies full" and "help them sleep longer." The vast majority of responses I have received have been from other concerned parents and those dumbstruck at this marketing tactic - not to mention slightly afraid at what we are going to see uninformed parents do with this 'thick' formula that 'expands' in babies' bellies.
I have also received a couple (2 to be exact) responses from people who state there is no possible way that a link can exist between formula, sleep/night-waking, and SIDS, and that such statements are outlandish. However, ample amounts of research conducted the world-over, for several decades now, show time and again that not only is there a link between these factors, there is also strong causality that exists. And so, I will re-hash a couple items here and provide sources for those wishing to dig a little deeper into the data we have.
For starters...
Babies who wake more frequently, and sleep lightly (i.e. are easily woken - or what some people call 'bad sleepers') are at a significantly lower risk for SIDS.
Babies who wake less frequently, and sleep more deeply (sometimes called 'good sleepers') are at a significantly higher risk for SIDS.
This is one reason that a formula which artificially 'fills' the stomach with chemicals and grains and goop, designed to expand internally and trick a baby's brain into thinking s/he is full, induces deeper/longer sleep, and in turn, may lead to an observable increase in SIDS cases.
In addition, the brain is on full throttle of development during the night-time hours. It is during the night that stress hormones such as cortisol decrease (unless a baby is left to cry or feels abandoned/alone) and growth hormones increase. This continues throughout adult life as well, which is the reason muscle is built and repairs faster during night time hours. However, in baby-hood, these hormones dramatically impact baby's brain development and organ growth. Because of this, babies are designed to wake easily to get necessary, frequent, high-quality nutrients all night long (via mother's milk). It literally feeds their brain. Stuff a baby up with 'empty' calories -- or a formula concoction that is designed to keep a baby full but not provide frequent, rich, quality, all-night nutrients, and you impact brain development and organ growth.
Lower neuro firing and neuro connections (which occur when a baby lacks essential nutrients during night time hours) puts babies into more of a comatose type state of mind. Some might interpret this as an 'easy baby' - one who is a 'good sleeper' - however, once again, we see an increase in SIDS as a result of the decrease in neurological activity.
Related to brain activity, sleep, and wakefulness are the components of breastmilk vs. formula. This involves glycobiology, which is a topic large enough for a site all its own. Essentially, glyconutrients are the components of the body's cells which are responsible for effective communication, healing, repair and re-building between and within all cells. Without them, cells break down, organs do not form just right, the brain (and lungs and heart and kidneys and stomach...) do not function at their normal capacity. Regulatory functions (such as respiratory and cardiovascular systems) get off kilter when glyconutrients are not present in necessary number - leading in turn to an excess of SIDS.
Breastmilk, however, is PACKED FULL of glyconutrients -- it literally is liquid gold. Nature has the perfect plan for the protection of tiny growing babies. Healing and health components are provided in an incredible high quantity with every ounce of breastmilk that is consumed. While there are multi-millions of dollars to be made if a pharmaceutical company can replicate glyconutrients artificially (they also enable the body to heal cancer cells) so far no one has been able to do so. Formula is entirely void of any glyconutrients.
All of these SIDS causes are especially true for babies born premature, or those who were induced to birth or electively c-sectioned, rather than triggering labor in their own time (when lungs are fully 'done' and baby's hormones interact with mothers to kick birth into gear). Babies who trigger labor on their own, experience the protective hormones that flood an infant's brain during labor/birth and these in turn increase baby's suckling response and his attachment/awareness through natural oxytocin release ~ another protective feature against SIDS. Unfortunately, artificial induction, elective c-section, and premature birth (along with formula feeding) is ubiquitous across the United States today. These are major components in the reasons we have the highest rates of infant morbidity and mortality in the entire developed Western world.
Many reliable studies show that formula fed babies have double to triple the risk of SIDS due to the above mentioned factors. Formula was designed to be a mere survival tool for babies who absolutely could not get the human milk they need from any other source. Formula may keep babies alive more often, and for longer durations, than feeding straight non-human animal milk (although this is also debated because of the artificial ingredients in formula). However, any form of artificial feeding is severely lacking in what babies need to grow normally and maintain their baseline health. The new "RestFull" formula only promises to intensify all of these factors, and in turn, lead to a higher rate of SIDS.
Moral of the story:
*Rock (in a rocking chair) and wear your baby (in a wrap/sling) to decrease cortisol and other stress hormones, increase oxytocin and other 'love' hormones, regulate respiration and cardiovascular systems, increase neuro activity and brain development, and decrease SIDS.
*Share-sleep (have baby sleep within an arm's reach of his/her non-smoking mother). If you are unable to breastfeed, make every attempt to access human donor milk for your baby. If you absolutely must artificially feed, have baby within an arm's reach of his/her non-smoking mother to sleep and wake to feed baby throughout the night, but do not bedshare unless you are breastfeeding. Nursing mothers and their babies are in tune with each others' bodies and natural sleep/wake cycles in a manner that non-nursing babies/mothers are physiologically not. This impacts the safety of bedsharing for non-nursing mother/baby couples. [Note: Bedsharing and sleep sharing - i.e. cosleeping/sleeping within an arm's reach of baby - are not the same thing. Sleep sharing is always beneficial for baby (no matter his source of nourishment) unless a parent smokes.]
*Keep a fan on (but not directed at baby) in your sleeping room. There is new research that shows this soothing background noise decreases SIDS risk. It helps baby stay calm during night time hours - decreasing cortisol and other stress hormones. Baby (and you!) are less likely to startle (flight and flight response to stress) when small noises occur in the night - a fan helps to drown them out.
*Do NOT practice any form of 'sleep training,' crying-it-out, or 'controlled crying.' All of these things dramatically increase stress hormones and permanently alter an infant's brain - once again, significantly increasing SIDS risk.
Babies simply require night-time parenting for their normal health, wellbeing, and development. This consists of parents losing out on full nights worth of sleep. Sometimes for many months (or years!) on end. It is a part of being the caring, in-tune, gentle parent of a rapidly growing infant. If these things do not sound appealing to you...don't have a baby.
To begin a further investigation on the relationship between SIDS, formula, sleep, and night-waking see:
Aimin Chen and Walter J. Rogan. 2004. Breastfeeding and the Risk of Postneonatal Death in the United States. Pediatrics, 113: e435-e439.
Horne RSC, Parslow PM, Ferens D, Watts AM, and Adamson TM. 2004. Comparison of evoked arousability in breast and formula fed infants. Arch Dis Child 89: 22-25.
Mao A, Burnham MM, Goodlin-Jones BL, Gaylor EE, and Anders TF. 2004. A comparison of the sleep-wake patterns of co-sleeping and solitary infants. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 32(2): 95-105.
Mosko S, Richard C, McKenna J. 1997. Infant arousals during mother-infant bed sharing: implications for infant sleep and sudden infant death syndrome research. Pediatrics. 100(5):841-9.
Franco P, Seret N, Van Hees JN, Scaillet S, Groswasser J, Kahn A. 2005. Influence of swaddling on sleep and arousal characteristics of healthy infants. Pediatrics. 115(5):1307-11.
Carpenter RG, Irgens LM, Blair PS, England PD, Fleming P, Huber J, Jorch G, and Schreuder P. 2004. Sudden unexplained infant death in 20 regions in Europe: case control study. Lancet 363(9404): 185-191.
Gerard CM, Harris KA, and Bradley BT. 2002. Spontaneous arousals in supine infants while swaddled and unswaddled during rapid eye movement and quiet sleep. Pediatrics 110(6): e70-76.
Books, Websites & Articles linked at:
Infant Sleep: A Review of Research
Sleep Training: A Review of Research
parents sharing sleep with their little ones
published in Mothering, Issue 152
Do not copy/paste articles or photos without author's express written permission. Contact authors by writing to
I was going to post another picture of the infamous "RestFull" as that is what this post is partially about, but why give Enfamil anymore photo ops than they deserve?
Instead, here is a bottle (Born Free's Vented Glass Bottle) full of Human Milk donated for a Human Baby.
Instead, here is a bottle (Born Free's Vented Glass Bottle) full of Human Milk donated for a Human Baby.
I recently posted a brief blurb on Enfamil's new "RestFull" formula ~ designed and marketed to "keep babies full" and "help them sleep longer." The vast majority of responses I have received have been from other concerned parents and those dumbstruck at this marketing tactic - not to mention slightly afraid at what we are going to see uninformed parents do with this 'thick' formula that 'expands' in babies' bellies.
I have also received a couple (2 to be exact) responses from people who state there is no possible way that a link can exist between formula, sleep/night-waking, and SIDS, and that such statements are outlandish. However, ample amounts of research conducted the world-over, for several decades now, show time and again that not only is there a link between these factors, there is also strong causality that exists. And so, I will re-hash a couple items here and provide sources for those wishing to dig a little deeper into the data we have.
For starters...
Babies who wake more frequently, and sleep lightly (i.e. are easily woken - or what some people call 'bad sleepers') are at a significantly lower risk for SIDS.
Babies who wake less frequently, and sleep more deeply (sometimes called 'good sleepers') are at a significantly higher risk for SIDS.
This is one reason that a formula which artificially 'fills' the stomach with chemicals and grains and goop, designed to expand internally and trick a baby's brain into thinking s/he is full, induces deeper/longer sleep, and in turn, may lead to an observable increase in SIDS cases.
In addition, the brain is on full throttle of development during the night-time hours. It is during the night that stress hormones such as cortisol decrease (unless a baby is left to cry or feels abandoned/alone) and growth hormones increase. This continues throughout adult life as well, which is the reason muscle is built and repairs faster during night time hours. However, in baby-hood, these hormones dramatically impact baby's brain development and organ growth. Because of this, babies are designed to wake easily to get necessary, frequent, high-quality nutrients all night long (via mother's milk). It literally feeds their brain. Stuff a baby up with 'empty' calories -- or a formula concoction that is designed to keep a baby full but not provide frequent, rich, quality, all-night nutrients, and you impact brain development and organ growth.
Lower neuro firing and neuro connections (which occur when a baby lacks essential nutrients during night time hours) puts babies into more of a comatose type state of mind. Some might interpret this as an 'easy baby' - one who is a 'good sleeper' - however, once again, we see an increase in SIDS as a result of the decrease in neurological activity.
Related to brain activity, sleep, and wakefulness are the components of breastmilk vs. formula. This involves glycobiology, which is a topic large enough for a site all its own. Essentially, glyconutrients are the components of the body's cells which are responsible for effective communication, healing, repair and re-building between and within all cells. Without them, cells break down, organs do not form just right, the brain (and lungs and heart and kidneys and stomach...) do not function at their normal capacity. Regulatory functions (such as respiratory and cardiovascular systems) get off kilter when glyconutrients are not present in necessary number - leading in turn to an excess of SIDS.
Breastmilk, however, is PACKED FULL of glyconutrients -- it literally is liquid gold. Nature has the perfect plan for the protection of tiny growing babies. Healing and health components are provided in an incredible high quantity with every ounce of breastmilk that is consumed. While there are multi-millions of dollars to be made if a pharmaceutical company can replicate glyconutrients artificially (they also enable the body to heal cancer cells) so far no one has been able to do so. Formula is entirely void of any glyconutrients.
All of these SIDS causes are especially true for babies born premature, or those who were induced to birth or electively c-sectioned, rather than triggering labor in their own time (when lungs are fully 'done' and baby's hormones interact with mothers to kick birth into gear). Babies who trigger labor on their own, experience the protective hormones that flood an infant's brain during labor/birth and these in turn increase baby's suckling response and his attachment/awareness through natural oxytocin release ~ another protective feature against SIDS. Unfortunately, artificial induction, elective c-section, and premature birth (along with formula feeding) is ubiquitous across the United States today. These are major components in the reasons we have the highest rates of infant morbidity and mortality in the entire developed Western world.
Many reliable studies show that formula fed babies have double to triple the risk of SIDS due to the above mentioned factors. Formula was designed to be a mere survival tool for babies who absolutely could not get the human milk they need from any other source. Formula may keep babies alive more often, and for longer durations, than feeding straight non-human animal milk (although this is also debated because of the artificial ingredients in formula). However, any form of artificial feeding is severely lacking in what babies need to grow normally and maintain their baseline health. The new "RestFull" formula only promises to intensify all of these factors, and in turn, lead to a higher rate of SIDS.
Moral of the story:
*Rock (in a rocking chair) and wear your baby (in a wrap/sling) to decrease cortisol and other stress hormones, increase oxytocin and other 'love' hormones, regulate respiration and cardiovascular systems, increase neuro activity and brain development, and decrease SIDS.
*Share-sleep (have baby sleep within an arm's reach of his/her non-smoking mother). If you are unable to breastfeed, make every attempt to access human donor milk for your baby. If you absolutely must artificially feed, have baby within an arm's reach of his/her non-smoking mother to sleep and wake to feed baby throughout the night, but do not bedshare unless you are breastfeeding. Nursing mothers and their babies are in tune with each others' bodies and natural sleep/wake cycles in a manner that non-nursing babies/mothers are physiologically not. This impacts the safety of bedsharing for non-nursing mother/baby couples. [Note: Bedsharing and sleep sharing - i.e. cosleeping/sleeping within an arm's reach of baby - are not the same thing. Sleep sharing is always beneficial for baby (no matter his source of nourishment) unless a parent smokes.]
*Keep a fan on (but not directed at baby) in your sleeping room. There is new research that shows this soothing background noise decreases SIDS risk. It helps baby stay calm during night time hours - decreasing cortisol and other stress hormones. Baby (and you!) are less likely to startle (flight and flight response to stress) when small noises occur in the night - a fan helps to drown them out.
*Do NOT practice any form of 'sleep training,' crying-it-out, or 'controlled crying.' All of these things dramatically increase stress hormones and permanently alter an infant's brain - once again, significantly increasing SIDS risk.
Babies simply require night-time parenting for their normal health, wellbeing, and development. This consists of parents losing out on full nights worth of sleep. Sometimes for many months (or years!) on end. It is a part of being the caring, in-tune, gentle parent of a rapidly growing infant. If these things do not sound appealing to you...don't have a baby.
To begin a further investigation on the relationship between SIDS, formula, sleep, and night-waking see:
Aimin Chen and Walter J. Rogan. 2004. Breastfeeding and the Risk of Postneonatal Death in the United States. Pediatrics, 113: e435-e439.
Horne RSC, Parslow PM, Ferens D, Watts AM, and Adamson TM. 2004. Comparison of evoked arousability in breast and formula fed infants. Arch Dis Child 89: 22-25.
Mao A, Burnham MM, Goodlin-Jones BL, Gaylor EE, and Anders TF. 2004. A comparison of the sleep-wake patterns of co-sleeping and solitary infants. Child Psychiatry and Human Development 32(2): 95-105.
Mosko S, Richard C, McKenna J. 1997. Infant arousals during mother-infant bed sharing: implications for infant sleep and sudden infant death syndrome research. Pediatrics. 100(5):841-9.
Franco P, Seret N, Van Hees JN, Scaillet S, Groswasser J, Kahn A. 2005. Influence of swaddling on sleep and arousal characteristics of healthy infants. Pediatrics. 115(5):1307-11.
Carpenter RG, Irgens LM, Blair PS, England PD, Fleming P, Huber J, Jorch G, and Schreuder P. 2004. Sudden unexplained infant death in 20 regions in Europe: case control study. Lancet 363(9404): 185-191.
Gerard CM, Harris KA, and Bradley BT. 2002. Spontaneous arousals in supine infants while swaddled and unswaddled during rapid eye movement and quiet sleep. Pediatrics 110(6): e70-76.
Books, Websites & Articles linked at:
Infant Sleep: A Review of Research
Sleep Training: A Review of Research

published in Mothering, Issue 152
What a great post again . We are still talking about this formula all over my facebook . It is like what will they come up with next?
ReplyDeleteI have a new favorite blog.
Fantastic blog :)
ReplyDeleteIm a little worried though (first time mom duh)
I exclusively breastfeed my 5 week old, and he sleeps right in my bed next to me- but he sleeps through the night- falls asleep at 11pm and begins to stir around 6am. Does this mean he is at higher risk for SIDS? Im confused! Hes also 14lbs ;)
Any moms out there have an answer for me?
I love your blog. Thank you so much for starting this!
ReplyDeleteKeeping your exclusively breastfeeding baby next to you to sleep is thee best thing you can do (as long as you don't smoke). This close contact with you (his mom) regulates his breathing/heartbeat/hormones better than ANYTHING else can.
Have you read about Kangaroo Care and Sleep Sharing? Or the little 20oz baby who was saved doing exactly what you are?
I will try to post a few more articles on this shortly that will elaborate more on the benefits of exactly what you are doing. Really, it is how all mammals have slept for all of time. Being close to Mom and breastfeeding is what keeps babies healthy, happy, and (in some cases) alive!
It is possible that your 5 week old will not sleep as soundly forever...Sleep patterns change with babies through different periods of growth/development. Or, you may just have a sound sleeping baby -- one who is fortunate to have you nursing and sleeping next to him, and one who might just make a lot of other nursing moms a bit jealous. ;)
In her book, "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" parenting educator, Elizabeth Pantley, talks about how ONE of her four (breastfeeding, cosleeping) babies was an unusually sound sleeper - sleeping 11 hours a night by 6 weeks of age. She said that if she had not experienced this for herself, she would not even believe it. Her other 3 babies were much more typical.
Each baby, and each child, is different. We have to be aware of the trends in society - that is how we work to protect from SIDS and other problems on a large-scale basis (and the U.S. unfortunately has a lot of problems right now). But there are ALWAYS going to be exceptions to the 'rule' no matter what baby topic you are talking about.
Enjoy your little 14lb babe, and congrats on becoming a new peaceful parenting momma!! :)
Tiffany - your baby is probably NOT sleeping the whole time. Babies who sleep next to their mothers oftentimes partially wake but are comforted right back to sleep because they are so close to their mothers. That is different that a deep sleep.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for the first lawsuit to this formula. It is unbelievable the length formula companies will go to to make money.
Great, informative post. I formula-fed my first son every three to four hours for the first 4-6 months, all while single and working full time. I'm not bragging, but I am saying it didn't kill me. It was hard, yes, but completely worth it. I'm adding you to my reader, especially now as I'm expecting my second baby (sans job and plus husband ;)
ReplyDeleteMy children are all adopted and we did formula feed. However, we slept with them within arm's reach at all times, wore them in a Kangaroo Karry or skin-to-skin most of the time and we fed them all night long, on demand. Our boys are well-bonded and healthy. I liked your reminders to keep the baby close. Our boys are happy, healthy and well-adjusted (and we love 'em... even if we did have to get up every 2 hours when they were infants LOL)
ReplyDeleteMy concern is the failure to thrive baby! Having had two of them, they NEED to know their own hunger cues and eat frequently, to be sure they are gaining and growing, properly.
ReplyDeleteGreat Information. Thank you for posting this. I knew most of the info regarding the connection to formula feeding and SIDS but not about birth practices and SIDS. As a childbirth educator, I'd love to know more about the connection between elective inductions/ c-sections and SIDS. Can you point me in the right direction?
Thank you for this post. I think people argue with things they don't want to believe without having done any research. From this post, it's obvious you've done your research and know what you are talking about. Who could possibly dispute it? Again, thank you! I still can't believe this formula exists. I can't imagine missing out on the amazing breastfeeding relationship I have with my children!
ReplyDeletesee Pediatrics. 2009 Mar;123(3):e406-10 PMID: 19254976
ReplyDelete"Does breastfeeding reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome?" "This study shows that breastfeeding reduced the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by approximately 50% at all ages throughout infancy. We recommend including the advice to breastfeed through 6 months of age in sudden infant death syndrome risk-reduction messages."
Breastfeeding SAVES lives, because formula-feeding DOUBLES the risk of a baby dying from SIDS.
Great Post! I look forward to reading more of your stuff. I was wondering if you have heard of the company Mannatech? They claim that they have discovered & manufactured glyconutrients. They are currently selling their product Ambrotose. People are claiming that their cancers,tumors,MS,the list goes on and on are being healed up because of this stuff. I was wondering what your thoughts are on this.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Unfortunately those that would even consider this formula probably would not read this blog. I am a biochemist and completely horrified that Enfamil thinks this is a good idea?
ReplyDeleteIf you aren't ready to make this committment then don't have a baby.
Keep up the great posts!
Here is the ingredient list for interested chemists and pediatric nutritionists out there:
A friend (and IBCLC) linked to this post on facebook. LOVED your thoughts on this issue. I'm a mom of 3 (so far), who has breastfed 5 1/2 of the last 6 1/2 yrs, including 5 months of tandem nursing my two girls. I would never trade those sweet snuggles and night nursings with my little one curled up next to me in the family bed for even 10 minutes more of uninterrupted sleep.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for drawing attention to the issue of formula use and the increased risk of SIDS. I'm sharing the link on facebook right now.
I worry. All my babies were exclusively breastfed. But my middle child had distinct needs - she didn't like to be held, cuddled, worn or co-sleep. She nursed quickly (5 mins) every 4 hours, and slept trough ath night after a few days old. She gained great but was sensitive to touch and sound, and we later found out she has Sensory Processing Disorder.
ReplyDeleteShe is now 7 years old and is a star athlete and straight-A student, but still has emotional/empathy problems. I worry about the lack of benefits from holding and night feeds that she missed out on because she couldn't tolerate it.
I don't have kids and don't plan to...but that photo collage of the co-sleeping makes my womb hurt! Gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting and informative, thank you for posting!
ReplyDeleteAs a parent who has lost a baby to SIDS though I feel there is one thing missing from this "article" as is from a lot of articles about increased SIDS risks. That is even though following the recommendations you've made (in this case breastfeeding v. formula, along with sleep-sharing and other AP practices) can lessen the risk of SIDS, there is no way to prevent it altogether. I did all of these things with my baby and he still died. I just fear without adding a statement like that to these types of postings parents are given a false sense of security.
@Jenn I am so sorry for your loss. No one claims that breastfeeding prevents SIDS altogether, any more than seatbelts prevents all car crash fatalities. What breastfeeding does is lower the RISK. There is much still to be learned about SIDS, but the real question is, why aren't the SIDS non-profits doing a campaign to encourage breastfeeding? Why is Susan G. Komen not doing a campaign to boost the protection under our nose, especially with the latest news that breastfeeding moms with a family history of breast cancer are lowering their risk of the disease by a whopping 60%? Why are so many SILENT on this issue?
ReplyDeleteI read this and then posted a poll related to it on last week and mentioned it on
ReplyDeleteThe question, and some of the answers (edited for space), were picked up and printed in today's paper.(The Fresno Bee -- CA).
I just wanted to thank you for posting about this and let you know it's reach in my area. I'm sure it's reaching folks in many, many ways and more than you'll ever know.
Genevieve -
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know!
Is there any chance you could direct me to the Fresno Bee link where the topic was discussed, or send me a copy of the article?
Thanks much!! :)
I think that this enfamil that are leading mothers and fathers to think is good for their babies,is mis leading and very scary that think this is a good thing for any child.I think we should all take them down,and get this off the shelves!Its too dangerous,and everyday it is sold more babies are effected by their ignorance!I am going to write enfamil and continue to let people know this is very dangerous!I am really angry because I almost bought some,I am a young parent of a six months old baby,and latelt my baby has had trouble sleeping well,so I almost bought it till I researched it and founf all of these posts,and I am horryfied with the statements and how they are able to sell this enfamil,they really should be ashamed,and the crap needs to be taken off every shelf in this world!!!!Lets keep posting and getting this out to everyone we can!Thank you everyone who had posted something,it saved me from putting this crap in my precious babies body!Thank you,alexis fleenor.
ReplyDeleteThis is sickening. I cannot believe that people would actually do that or think that this would be good for a baby. I agree. We should start writing the letters.
ReplyDeleteAs a Lactation Specialist, I cannot tell you the wrenching feeling in my gut that I got when I saw this ad in "Parents" magazine today, while browsing one at the hair salon. DISGUSTING. I left my review at the Enfamil website, we shall see if they have the balls to post it.
ReplyDeleteTo Review:
Thanks for discussing this issue. I spoke to Enfamil this week about Enfamil Restfull, having just seen the product for the first time when someone posted a link to it in response to a blog entry a friend and I wrote ( The question that remains unanswered is WHAT AGE GROUP ARE THEY INTENDING TO MARKET THIS PRODUCT TO? The AAP recommends that babies do not receive rice cereal until after 4 months (6 months for bf babes)(and as a CLEC I really encourage my clients to steer away from this worthless food entirely). Is Enfamil purposely not labeling this product as being for older infants in hopes of getting sales from the tired parents of newborns?
ReplyDeleteAmen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, and AMEN!
ReplyDeleteIt was very interesting for me to read the article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.
ReplyDeleteHurrah, hurrah, HURRAH! Three big cheers for your post - it's excellent! :)
ReplyDeleteI believe my child died from Enfamil Restfull. Being my first child, i believed it would have been good for her, and even that it was top shelf and we only wanted what was best for our child. She passed away the night we used it. We tried starting a lawsuit, but everyone told us that we couldnt sue anyone unless there was proof that the formula killed her. Now we sit here with nothing while this company produces this garbage. If anyone has anymore information, send it too and oh yeah, the cause of death was mysteriously SIDS. they say they cant press charges when it comes to a sids case. i think there has to be another way. any new info would be appreciated thanks...
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous poster: So very sorry to hear about your baby. It just breaks my heart, I have nothing more to offer than my condolences and hopes that some day this company will get what they deserve.
ReplyDeleteBest, Kim
Yay - from South Africa!
ReplyDeleteWhy should you not bed-share if you (or Dad) smoke?
ReplyDeleteI sleep share with my formula fed baby. (so many reason why I have to formula feed, but also do breast feed as much as I can--don't pass judgment, ask questions) Anyhow I am very aware of his sleep cycles and his movements. I disagree that he shouldn't sleep with me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with TweadleDee! My 5 month old daughter couldn't nurse, so she is mostly formula fed with whatever I can manage to pump out that day, and she bedshares with me. I feel I'm completely in tune with her and shouldn't punish her with having to not sleep next to me, in my arms, because her mouth can't latch! I cherish sleeping with her curled up in my arms, since we can't bond through nursing, it provides us with another way besides babywearing to bond with her!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post! Therefore, the connection also exists between the NATURAL and doing what nature intended (not pharmaceuticals, pediatricians, media etc.)
ReplyDeleteNaturally born have less problems.
Breastfed babies have less problems.
Adjusted children under the care of a pediatric chiropractor have some of the best results I've seen.
Children who are unvaccinated, unmedicated are THE healthiest children I have ever seen.
Children who are fed real food-not processed "food"
Babies who sleep with their parents -not down the hall tend to have less SIDS ...
Basically, parents who resonate with one of these--usually are open to all and experience a connection between doing what's natural and great results--HEALTHY CHILDREN...
We ARE the sickest country, yet we consume the most vaccines, "health food", pills etc. We entrust our health to Enfamil, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and science that is not natural science. Nature needs no research or science to back it up!
I know this is a little late but what would you say to a toddler using this at night? I'm just asking for opinions. At toddler age they don't need to eat at night but my dd screams and screams because she gets hungry every couple of hours. I've held her, rocked her, made sure she gets a good dinner, but she is still always hungry! Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteKatie, if your baby is hungry, feed her. If you feed her healthy, real foods in the daylight hours, feed her real, healthy foods at nighttime as well -- don't get sucked into feeding her junk that swells her stomach. Sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone that your baby will reach when she is ready. Forcing sleep with such tools as Benadryl or this 'formula' isn't going to get her ready any faster. Can you adjust your sleep situation so that you get more sleep? The thing that saved us was cosleeping -- Jack still wakes the same amount as but I don't have to get up to nurse him. I work full time and this is the best way for me to get sleep without resorting to CIO or drugging him with food.
ReplyDeleteMy babies are the same way! With my first child, on night 3 after birth, she slept almost the whole night through. I was so terrified I called my mom to ask for advice lol. (I grew up in a big AP family, so I expected frequent wakings).
My second baby is 7 weeks old today and he sleeps the same way as her.
I'd say it's a Godsend to sleep in 5-6hr chunks, but I'm always so worried about him and checking up on him that it doesn't matter in the end lol!!!
Katie, have you tried keeping a good protein snack on the nightstand? Some organic peanut butter or almond butter and organic baby carrots are a good idea b/c they can sit out for a few hours.
It could also be a sign that she needs more food during the day. The average toddler needs 1300 calories a day. Are you nursing and providing nutrient-dense foods when she asks during the day? Just remember that she is asking for what she needs. It's not a want or a trick and so I would take her crying and asking very seriously. How would you feel if you were so hungry it brought you to tears?
My Dr recommended rice in the bottle when Skyler had reflux in hopes that it would help her keep her formula down, but it didn't even help. At least it was a medical reason, but when the Dr asked if it helped and I said no, he said "Yeah, I didnt think it would"
ReplyDeleteThe cereal for reflux is totally different, I tried the same thing with Logan. Yeah, didn't help. But seriously putting that in formula, which is gross to begin with, while labeling it "Restfull" is not only false advertising (as most formula advertising is) but dangerous (again, as most formula advertising is). This seriously should not be allowed to be sold to give to INFANTS.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing for reflux is not adding things that the gut cannot handle. Instead, it is eliminating those things... So eliminate cow's milk proteins and nut/soy proteins from the diet (either a nursing mother's diet or formula). Reflux is almost always 'healed' by doing this. There is an excellent book that addresses this, "The Baby Bond"
Unfortunately, the majority of pediatricians are not trained in lactation or nutrition.
That's horrible! Just one more reason I hate formula companies. What sane mother wouldn't want their baby to STTN? So now we have moms that formula feed and breast feeding moms looking for a break buying this crap. I wish parents knew all of the risks of formula feeding before they decide to abandon the breast, unfortunately they only hear the "just as good as the breast". Sickens me.
ReplyDeletewow.... this is a great post. i would love to share it with my friends, but i know they would all jump down my throat because i am the only breastfeeding mama in my lil circle of friends..... keep up the good work!
ReplyDeletei'm a new follower... would love for you to come follow back at
I just bought this formula and now I'm not going to use it. After reading all all of this post, then what formula you all think is best? p.s. yes, i am one of those mother's who couldn't figure out breast feeding. now I feel bad. but what can i do.
ReplyDeleteTo the last Anon -
ReplyDeleteI am not sure which man-made formulas are best, but I know several moms who had troubles with breastfeeding for different reasons, and they are all getting donated milk (FREE!) from other moms in their area through the Human Milk for Human Babies Network. You may want to check out your local page and look for donors. Here is their website (find your state page under the "community pages" tab):
Also, I have seen peaceful parenting post for other moms in the past on their Facebook page to help mothers connect with donors too when they need it. :) Even if you just used some donor milk it may be better than nothing. Thought I'd toss out the idea since I know it works for so many others.
I don't have any kids but I am the lucky godmother of two beautiful babies and they stay at my house quite often when mama's at work. My godson is two and likes to sleep by himself in his own bed, in the same room with me, but my goddaughter sleeps with me in my bed. She's a very light sleeper and wakes up about every half hour or so, wiggles around and falls back to sleep, as long as she's in bed with me. If she's in her bed she sits up and cries and there is no going back to sleep for either of us for a very long time. She is bottle fed and wakes up about once a night to eat and then falls back to sleep. I love waking up with her,(however tiring it is) as she sits up, looks around, see's that I'm laying next to her, and snuggles up to me with her little head on my shoulder, and we're both back to sleep within thirty seconds. It's so comforting knowing that she is so comforted by sleeping with me, and I wouldn't want to give that up for a "restful nights sleep" any day :D
ReplyDeleteI love the last line. If these don't sound appealing to you, don't have a baby. So true. :) Thanks.
ReplyDeleteNo discussion of SIDS is complete without some discussion of Dr. T. J. Sprott from New Zealand. His discovery (mostly ignored) that it is a combination of the flame-retardant chemicals and bacteria that release a nerve gas is worth mentioning. More information can be found at:
As a research chemist, I have reviewed the chemistry, and found it sound. Add that to the fact that no child has yet died of unknown causes (SIDS) on a properly wrapped mattress, and the $ spent on a mattress cover is insignificant.
Also, every thing that we do to "lower the risk of SIDS" makes sense in light of his theories.
Covering a mattress is easy, relatively inexpensive, and what have you to loose?