Oh. my.
Patti, I love your work. You are a brilliant photographer, but how did you even make it through the sexual assault of this helpless newborn baby boy?
The terror in his face and tears in his eyes say it all.
People, THIS is what the genital mutilation of a newborn baby in the United States looks like. It will hurt you to look, but this little boy deserves his story to be told (even if only through the pictures captured of his abuse).
This baby was one of the 4% who received a small amount of lidocaine (96% of boys cut in the U.S. and Canada do NOT receive anesthesia prior to circumcision as it is counter-indicated for newborns). However, research shows that even anesthesia does not eliminate the excruciating pain (the penile dorsal nerve is unable to be blocked and the prepuce and frenulum are torn below this point). In addition, babies brains, nervous systems, respiratory, enzyme levels, stress hormones, and cardiovascular systems are STILL impaired as a result of genital cutting at a time they have extreme heightened sensitivity, even with anesthesia (Edell 2008; Fleiss & Hodges 2002; Reiss 2008).
Let's end it from happening to another - TODAY!
SEE: Patti Ramos' Circumcision Photo Essay
He who passively accepts evil
is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it.
He who accepts evil without protesting against it
is really cooperating with it.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
The soft-minded man always fears change.
He feels security in the status quo,
and he has an almost morbid fear of the new.
For him, the greatest pain is the pain of a new idea.
~ Martin Luther King
We cannot withhold facts for fear of offending
because the importance of the information
outweighs people's right to not be challenged in their beliefs.
~ Maddy Reid
He who passively accepts evil
is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it.
He who accepts evil without protesting against it
is really cooperating with it.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
The soft-minded man always fears change.
He feels security in the status quo,
and he has an almost morbid fear of the new.
For him, the greatest pain is the pain of a new idea.
~ Martin Luther King
We cannot withhold facts for fear of offending
because the importance of the information
outweighs people's right to not be challenged in their beliefs.
~ Maddy Reid
I posted a comment, not up yet, that she should have shown his face during it. The picture of him after with the tears in his eyes is heartrending. He looks like something in him has been shattered
ReplyDeleteWow - I had struggled with the "circumsizing" decision - thankfully I didn't have to make it since I gave birth to a girl... but after seeing this - I think my answer would be "no".
ReplyDeleteI am so sad.
ReplyDeleteDid she take these photos for the parents? I cannot imagine the regret and grief they must feel when looking at these pictures. That poor, poor child.
oh my god. I think the deities I never ever let any doctor come anywhere near my sons to perform this act of mutilation. I don't know how anyone can look at this and think it's ok. How any doctor can think this is acceptable? I just can't fathom is at all.
ReplyDeleteI feel sick.
ReplyDeleteI was in the newborn nursery with Anna after birth and there was a little boy there, all alone with a signed waiver on his bassinet for circ. I seriously wanted to steal him and nurse him and protect him. I got woozy and had to sit down.
ReplyDeleteThose photos are absolutely heart-wrenching.
ReplyDeleteI didn't see his face while the work was being done... no I saw a sugar paci during the procedure... this frustrates me b/c an anti-intact lobbyist can say, "See, the baby only cries because he's being strapped down." I've heard a few say the youtube videos of the procedure "aren't real".
ReplyDeleteMichelle, While I can't answer for this woman. I have friends in nursing school....who witnessed a circumcision....they were ALL traumatized by it. And I'm not being dramatic, I'm being very serious. One of them called me after and was crying and hysterical....she knew how I felt about it to begin with and she always told me she wouldn't do it after she saw the trauma....she was positive that she would never do this to her son. She said it was every bit as traumatic and horrific as the videos...and more.
ReplyDeleteAnd really, how can you look at that penis and say that it is okay? That is horrific!
btw, the pictures of the bloody penis and the baby's eyes flooded with tears and his look of shock as one eye wonders off is... haunting. This is an extreme violation of his sexual autonomy. I agree with you Danelle, this needs to stop!
ReplyDeleteHorrific and heart-wrenching. I am SOOOO glad neither of my precious baby boys endured that!
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad seeing that.The more I know about circumcision the more thankful I am knowing I left my son intact.
ReplyDeleteIT's horrific!!!!!! THIS I would NEVER aloud to participate, I support the mother for her OWN decisions but leave the baby alone!
ReplyDeleteI agree Enith, which is why in school I will refuse to participate....and I will keep on fighting so that hopefully one day this practice of mutilation will END FOR GOOD!
ReplyDeleteDisturbing, but very educational. The before and after face photos show the impact on this unfortunate person. I can empathize with him...
ReplyDeleteI posted this now too. thanks. Kills me. KILLS me. I cannot believe the world I live in somedays. disgusting :(
ReplyDeleteMe too Heather.... :( I have friends & Family in England and when they see this stuff....it just makes them sick that the USA is so F'ed up!!!
ReplyDeletethis brought tears to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteGreg - SO TRUE! That is what I was thinking...his face before the amputation is happy - a content, normal little baby. His world is still in order. Things have not crashed down around him. After, he looks, well, like a tiny helpless human being who has just been raped and forcibly had his whole life painfully torn completely apart. It is no wonder infants who are genitally cut have frequent troubles breastfeeding and bonding, not to mention so many other 'norms' of babyhood. How tragic.
ReplyDeleteI thank God that my mother was smart enough to leave my brother intact and teach me that THAT is what's normal! Thank God I knew that before I had my son.
ReplyDeleteThis is really sad.
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here bawling my head off over this and the very last photo of his little face, looking all betrayed and confused as if he's asking "WHY?" I just don't get why this is STILL practiced!!!! My sadness turns to anger VERY quickly. I'm So glad I was around an uncircumcised little boy before I had my children so I knew what was normal and that my doula/friend (Cassie) was very good in helping me educate myself. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting, isn't it, that most of us in the U.S. have someone in particular to thank for planting the seed of normalcy and wholeness for baby boys in our mind, and thereby empowered us with the knowledge needed to keep our own babies intact amidst a sea of myths and misconception. I, myself, have Dr. Joel Wells to thank - my professor, mentor, and friend - who taught me the horrors of circumcision almost 15 YEARS before my own son would be born. I am eternally grateful to him. And so are thousands of other boys and men who he has played a roll in saving throughout his life. See - EACH OF US can make a difference. One parent, one baby at a time.
ReplyDeleteExactly why I do what I now do...and why I want to teach nurses...I want to make sure they have PROPER information.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say this: (hopefully you will take this as intended) I am so jealous of you, lol, for having such a brilliant professor, Dr. Joel Wells!!! Maybe I'll write to him and tell him one of his former students is carrying on his message and I'm so grateful to him for that.... ;-)
ReplyDeletetears in my eyes and a huge lump in my throat... if this picture is THIS traumatizing for me, I can only imagine what/how that baby must of felt... I'm not very religious at all... and can't say I even believe that the devil exists, but if he does.. I can't help but think this is Satan's work... horrific, barbaric and completely inhumane...
ReplyDelete(we must remember that animals had more rights than children did.. long ago-the first child rights case was won on the premise of 'animal cruelty'...this can change as long as we are relentless in the pursuit of equal rights for our boys!)
I showed this to another mama IRL and she said to me, "See? It's fast and painless."
ReplyDeleteHardened hearts will not melt simply because of amazing photography.
Guggie, that makes me sick to my stomach! :(
ReplyDeleteMy heart is so heavy seeing those pictures. I have about a million questions but all of them are competing to verbalize. I'll try not to be gibberish. I do wonder, did the parents understand they'd be caring for a fresh wound and a diaper (fecal mater) would be its bandage? The ammonia from urine must NOT be pleasant for this newborn while his penis tried to heal. Were they informed that the blood on the glans is a result of the synechia being torn away while the prepuce was being peeled off?
ReplyDeleteWhat pisses me off more than anything about this issue is that physicians are soliciting unwarranted surgery on a perfectly healthy penis. They should be informing parents on how to care for their newborn son's normal anatomy rather than soliciting surgery. "Wipe like a finger. Do not retract foreskin because it is sealed. Its sealed because the foreskin is protecting the glans. Just as you wouldn't separate a newborn kitten's eyes because its still developing, you do not want to separate the synechia on the prepuce because the penis is still developing." and that should be the default rather than the dreaded question, "Would you like to have your son circumcised? :-)" . >.<
I'll guarantee, the latter as the default will bring so much peace for parents. It'll be a huge sigh of relief for them. Too often I hear them wish for girls so they don't have to face this question. Why is it so hard? Culture? There is def. a stronghold in this country; perpetuated though misinformation and lies by omission.
We're working hard to break it and mend America back to the intact culture we once were.
I agree Michelle :( and omg Guggie how awful! ugh. As a doula and activist, I will make sure to always provide the circumcision packet Danelle prepared for parents-to-be. Specially the care for an intact penis, so much misinformation out there, doctors are causing so much damage by retracting our boys' foreskin to clean underneath, so much like if they are trying to force damage to these boys' penises so they can perform a circumcision. So unethical all the way :(
ReplyDeleteGuggie - that response is exactly why parents must be educated on the many purposes of the prepuce -- the functions of the foreskin. Even if the amputation of the prepuce were COMPLETELY pain free and did not impact baby at all (which we know is not true - even with anesthesia, physiological changes and brain activity is impacted) - but even if none of this occurred -- it still removes a VITAL ORGAN from a non-consenting person for absolutely no medical reason. There is no way that someone could understand all there is to know about the prepuce (on male or female human infants) and still wish to remove it from their newborn baby. It is too important - to immunology, protection, sensitivity, and future sexuality.
ReplyDeleteI know that different things *click* with different people... for some it is that they will not abuse their infant, for others it is that they want him to make choices as per his own body, and for others it is due to ample and accurate information about the prepuce and the important rolls it plays in all mammalian life.
Moral of the story: make sure everyone is educated on the functions of the foreskin - not just the pains of the procedure.
Enith, do you have the NEW version of the pdf packet of articles? Send me your email again (or anyone else who would like it) and I will email it to you. The last article is by Drs. Fleiss & Hodges on the "Functions of the Foreskin" and it was not in the first version of the packet. We have Penn & Teller's video on DVD now as well (because there are some people who do not have internet access to watch their online version).
ReplyDeleteDanelle, while I agree with you on those merits, I think it does come down to a hardness of heart. Even administering the local was horribly painful...how much would you have to pay an adult male to even sit through that??!!
ReplyDeleteAnd although this particular example showed the use painkillers, we know from actual pro-circ sources that few infants are given even this reprieve.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but if a woman was given painkillers first, would it be okay to rape her?
Guggie - so, so true. I agree with you fully. Just as it would not be okay to rape an adult (or amputate healthy organs w/out their permission) even if they were first given pain meds... it is most certainly NOT okay to do the same to an infant. I guess I just have to try all avenues to break through the ignorance. But then even if all ignorance were abolished, you still have to deal with the hardened sadism -- and that is virtually impossible and mind boggling.
ReplyDeleteAlso it is true that the VAST majority (last rates reported were 96%) of infant boys cut in the United States and Canada do not receive any anesthesia prior to the cutting.
ReplyDeleteI think we had this discussion on your page before? Maybe someone else's... I believe it is most likely because the AAP lists the counter-indications for all anesthesia given to newborns and if hospitals give it anyway, and the newborn has complications or dies from the medication, the hospital can more easily be sued and found at fault for negligence. However, if the baby has complications and/or dies from the circumcision w/out anesthesia, the parents have already signed away the hospitals liability and they can more easily maneuver out of a lawsuit. It comes down to legality and $$$ (as do most things in the world of birth & babies).
I would hope that people do not see these photos and assume that all babies receive anesthesia, because this boy is certainly in the minority nation-wide. Speaking of this...I just re-watched Dr. Dean Edell and Dr. Mark Reese discussing the research surrounding anesthesia & circumcision and the many ways the body still responds (dramatically!) even when anesthesia is used. Reese mentions that neurogenic shock and coma STILL happens all the time even in the 4% of boys who are anesthetized. So OBVIOUSLY it is still being 'felt' by the baby.
ugh I want to puke :(
ReplyDeleteIt's scary and makes me want to watch barney episodes with DD lol
ReplyDelete...I want to make a correction/clarification... This work, the photography- is amazing.. I do not think the photography is 'Satan's' work...circumcision is what I was referring to...hoping that was the general assumption & that I didn't offend Patti since I didn't make it quite clear the first time (I was so upset and angry!)
ReplyDeleteThat some grown men exhibit symptoms of PTSD should be no surprise to anyone having witnessed this photo essay.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Prof morris, this represents the "simple, pain-free, ‘no scalpel' method of circumcision".
No scalpel!? That statement, also used by those marketing their Plastibell method, is a most evil deception and a shocking example of spin designed to convince uninformed parents that circumcising their son is completely innocuous.
What a crock of shit!
What a betrayal. A serious crime has occurred and gone unpunished.
So very sad.
I have an aunt who works as a secretary in the newborn nursery, she witnesses circumcisions everyday. Knowing what I know now, I have lost all respect for her. She actually had the nerve to argue with me when I told her we were not circumcising our son. ( he was born at home and one of her concerns was how were we going to get him circ'd??)
ReplyDeleteShe was sure to let me know which doctors use pain med, and which ones "wait a few minutes" for it to set in and which docs just go ahead even though the pain med hasn't had a chance to set in. And SHES PRO CIRC?? I'm ashamed I'm related to her.
sick to my stomach. i've never seen how it was done before. i will never forget. tears in my eyes..... yuk. yuk.
ReplyDeleteLaura ... my favorite quote is "We believe what we know."
ReplyDeleteYour aunt works in an environment where circumcision is accepted. Like you said "Knowing what I know now" ... it probably took some time and education for you to come to the realization that you do not agree with circumcision.
Because she supports circumcision, based on her exposure to it ... and what she knows, you say you are ashamed you are related to her and you have lost all respect for her. Strife in a family is a very sad thing.
Circumcision is a topic that fires everyone up ... in one direction or the other. I have found that I can gently, respectfully enlighten parents about circumcision without name calling, accusations and coming across as the gestapo. Anger and hatred turns people off and puts everyone on the defensive.
My motto ... (as corny as it sounds) is ...
"Do everything with love."
We do believe what we know, and I feel fortunate that I was exposed to the info I have now to feel the way I do.
ReplyDeleteI sounded harsh I know about being ashamed and having lost respect for her, so to be fair I should add that the strife in my family, directly involving my aunt, encompasses way more than her views on circumcision, which makes it even more sad really :(
ReplyDeleteI do not think you were too harsh with what you wrote above. There is a difference between ignorance due to simple lack of knowledge, not being exposed to something, not having the ability to learn vs. WILLFUL ignorance and/or outright sadism. If someone is witnessing the genital mutilation of newborn babies on a daily basis, they are certainly in a position to become fully educated on what is going on beneath their noses. There is a reason that most people who DO witness such an event get themselves as far from it as they can, and/or advocate strongly against it happening. There are reasons the nurses of New Zealand went on a strike against any genital cutting of babies -- and a reason the numbers of boys cut dropped to almost ZERO when parents were forced to hold their baby during the procedure. There is a reason that MOST doctors will not perform circumcisions and/or do NOT support other medical personnel in doing so.
I do not think for a moment that you are 'in the wrong' for losing any and all respect for her. I (personally) choose to not be associated with anyone who advocates for the rape or sexual assault of anyone - be they babies, children or adults. Would we lose respect (and maybe even avoid?) a relative who repeatedly watched women being raped, or girls being genitally cut up while strapped down, and never thought there was anything wrong with it?? WHY do baby boys deserve any different reaction from us? They, too, are equally human and deserving of our attention, protection, and sincere/honest/sensitive reactions to the brutality that they face in the United States. We cannot become so callused in our response to their outrageous suffering simply because some people around us have desensitized themselves to the perils it entails.
There is nothing wrong with cutting ties with someone who REFUSES to become educated on a subject as grave as the genital mutilation of helpless, non-consenting humans. We need people in our life who charge our batteries -- not those who drain them.
To NOT speak up and point out what is wrong here [to a relative, stranger, doctor, friend, client, etc.] is to flow with a herd of ignorance and suggests that you [the general 'you'] support what is happening. This is why the group mentality exists in gang rape situations... few participate, but many are silent. And if just one person speaks up, such activity is often stopped dead in its tracks. It does not take an army of brave souls - just a few - to cause ripples of change to start and to spread.
So, Laura, don't feel badly for a second and don't lose ground or think you have to be one way or another toward any one person. I've walked the same road with a relative as you are with your aunt...and I know that true 'family' is made up by much more than blood or marriage.
BTW - I am not saying that we need to wage this war on genital mutilation with anger and/or name calling. That CERTAINLY does turn people off. When I lecture on the subject in college classrooms, I have chosen to call it "circumcision" rather than genital mutilation or genital cutting because (while I hate sugar coating the term) I have to meet the students where they are at so that we can move forward and accomplish something - a greater good.
ReplyDeleteBut this same loving, gentle, patience (I do not believe) applies to any one person and our respect/friendship who refuses to look into the matter further. Again, willful ignorance is different than sheer lack of experience/knowing/insight.
We are certainly not required to hold everyone in high regard or with respect. And we can cut ties without being ugly about it.
Stephanie and many doulas out there accept and advocate all sorts of women in their birth choices, and they gently and wisely work to educate them on the truths surrounding the prepuce and circumcision. But if they still wish to cut their baby, they will (kindly) refer them to another doula. I have oodles of respect for this manner of practice. It is doing what they can to empower parents/mothers of all kinds, while at the same time not bending in their conviction of the basic human right of genital integrity for all human beings.
This is absolutely heart wrenching... I have tears in my eyes...
ReplyDeleteme too!! i just knew i wouldn't and couldn't do this to my boys!!
ReplyDeleteI can't watch, I just can't.
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine how someone decides to inflict this on their precious baby boy, who relies on his parents for safety and protection. This looks like a torture photo. IMHO.
that's because it is torture, not to mention the fact that intercourse will not feel the way it was designed for it to feel. for the boy, and all of his partners. and a plethora of other things WRONG with this... least of all the fact that western culture has no problem with male circs, but female circs are barbaric. umm, it's the same thing folks
ReplyDeleteI agree, Lauren. It is the rape of a newborn baby. How incredibly horrific.
ReplyDeleteWhy would I want anyone messing with the perfection that is my infant. I can't understand how something we are designed to protet is then strapped down and his most sensitive parts cut and peeled. Not for me thank you very much!
ReplyDelete:'( I can't watch, that image alone will haunt me now. Why can't people just LOVE their babies?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely appalling. My heart aches for this little babe, and so many others who suffer at the hands of ignorant abusers daily in this country.
ReplyDeleteOMG I cannot imagine putting my babies through that. Both my boys are uncirc'd. What horror! The end result looks like a mangled mess. Poor baby.
ReplyDeleteI come from an intact family and haven't really seen it before. (I did some babysitting as a teen but not for newborns).
ReplyDeleteAnd watching the circ video shows what happens, but not really what it looks like afterwards.
I saw a damaged boy getting changed in the restroom at the mall a couple days ago and couldn't believe it. THAT's what people are trying to decide on? That's their choice? WTH
I saw one in the hospital the other day -- a mother changing her cut 2 week old and it was just awful. My sister (working in a day care) said that the feces gets smashed all around their open wounds on a daily basis. She said that parents bring their babies into daycare the day after they are amputated and there will OFTEN be blood in the diaper and urine and feces stuck into the healing wounds. It must be horribly painful for a long, long time.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this. It is so horrifying I had to be sure my 15 year old son was out of the room when I viewed it, because I know it would have traumatized him to see it. How anyone could put an innocent infant through this torment, this rape of his body and sense of trust and well being, is beyond me. People need to... Read More look past their defensive denial. If people want to know why men are supposedly more physically and sexually aggressive than women, they need to look at this.
ReplyDeleteOMG! I never saw that before. I wonder why it was photographed - so we know what NOT to do, or was that for a family album?
ReplyDeleteI guess someone had to do the dirty job of taking these pics for people to see and WAKE UP!!!!
ReplyDeleteHopefully the pictures will deter some expectant parents.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure she had her reason's....but I could NEVER photograph this.
ReplyDeleteYou know... I was just thinking. I am becoming a doula to support a mother, to help her make informed decisions therefore I am going to be responsible enough to give her all the information about the prepuce organ, anatomy and function; and the studies about the correlation of circumcision with disruption of breastfeeding and change in the brain to the newborn. It is very important for me and my ethics to give them all this information, I will not sit silent. I cannot do it. Hope I am making sense, I am very exhausted today. sighs.
ReplyDeleteThe 1982 movie 'The World According To Garp' has opening credits that showcase a "falling" and "rising" Baby Garp and he's intact!
ReplyDeleteReally, Chris!? Great movie. I am going to have to go re-watch it to catch this.
ReplyDeleteI don't 'like' the images in the photos. I have to admit, she has a great camera but its so hard for me to see the rape that baby went through. Was he defected to begin with? Did he need surgery? no, he WAS healthy but now wounded. Where is the logic in this?
ReplyDeleteI wish I hadn't looked. I'm sobbing here as I hold my intact son. How could someone do that. The straps were torture enough for the little guy. I'm just devastated. His can people say that doesn't hurt.
ReplyDeleteEs increible como un medico que estudia para aliviar y curar puede someter a un bebe a una circuncision innecesaria una mutilacion innecesaria. y decirle a la mama que el bebe no siente dolor por estar recien nacido que grita porque no soporta estar atado. Y la mayoria que hacen esto son Drs hombres por ser mas crueles.
ReplyDeleteIt is incredible how a physician who is studying to soothe and heal a baby can bring an unnecessary circumcision unnecessary mutilation. and tell the mother that the baby feels no pain because they are newborn crying because they stand to be tied. And most who do this are Drs men as more humane.
It is close to unbearable for me emotionally that we live in a world where this is even allowed to happen with such nonchalance.
ReplyDeleteHeartbreaking pictures!!! :(
ReplyDeleteUnbearable pictures! Why have the posts on her page been removed?
ReplyDeleteLook at the clenched little fists in many of the pictures.
ReplyDeleteUnbearable pain...
Poor innocent soul.
ReplyDeleteNot clicking to enlarge... :*(
ReplyDeleteyeah... I can't. I'm horrified by the main picture.
ReplyDeletethis makes me want to cry. I tried so hard to save a baby from this but he was circ'ed yesterday. I could just vomit.
ReplyDeleteSad images...
ReplyDeleteNever give up, Rose. This thing is turning around and every voice, every post, every reply, every conversation makes a difference.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing to keep these links on file and ask the parents who want to circ if they have seen it done and if they know what happens during the procedure. You would be amazed how many are not educated about this.
ReplyDeletejust looking at his sweet face about 5 pics up from the bottom was too much. Thanks for the knowledge.
ReplyDeletemy immediate response is to tell that doctor to take those tools away from the delicate skin they are threatening. Can't bear to look at more pics like that. My heart goes out to every man who suffered like this.
ReplyDeleteThat is a F***ing tragedy.
ReplyDeletethank you for posting. tough to look at, but oh so moving...
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for these poor little boys. Sick actually.
ReplyDeleteWhat would you do right now if that was a baby girl strapped down and having her clitoris cut? You'd be in action. Get in action for boys. Write a letter to your local MP demanding equal rights for boys and girls. Get educated and speak up.
ReplyDeleteSo many women are learning about this injustice and I'm so proud to see them educating others. It is the women who will abolish this.
His sweet little happy face before and the tragic expression in his eyes, furrowed brow at the end...says it all :-O
ReplyDeleteEnjoying a wonderful rainy morning here in Israel with my intact son.
ReplyDeleteWe need videos of brises - mohels don't do it like this, and many Jews dismiss these kinds of videos for that reason. Sigh.
So, so true, Gloria - if this was a baby girl strapped down and being genitally torn apart - raped on a table surrounded by strangers and a photographer - it would be front page news and there would be a lot of legal action taking place. This baby boy deserves the EXACT same legal and basic human rights that we afford baby girls.
ReplyDeleteIf you would not allow the amputation of your daughter's prepuce, then do NOT allow the amputation of your son's prepuce. It is an equally important organ in both sexes.
I wonder how many people are aware of the similar histories between FGM and MGM in North America?? http://drmomma.blogspot.com/2009/09/history-of-female-circumcision-in.html
Raquel - very true. And babies die daily during routine bris events as well. So sad. I applaud the groups of Jewish doctors speaking up on this horror (including Dr. Fleiss - a Jewish pediatrician - who wrote, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision") http://www.jewsagainstcircumcision.org/
several other links on Judaism & genital cutting here: http://drmomma.blogspot.com/2009/06/circumcision-jewish-fathers-making.html The film "CUT" is especially good.
Of the various techniques used to circumcise a male child, this is supposed to be the "simple, pain-free, ‘no scalpel' method".
ReplyDeleteOh dear, as deeply disturbing as this is, apparently this is as good as it ever gets for a baby boy being subjected to this awful ritual...
ReplyDeleteI fully agree, Nickolas. Looking at these photos WAS witnessing the rape and mutilation of this helpless newborn baby. It is absolutely appalling. Honestly, I hope that his parents DO see the photos, that they DO educate themselves before having any more children, and that someday they do apologize to him for all that was done to him and all that was taken from him.
ReplyDeleteThose poor, poor babies! If they did this to Guantanamo detainees there would be an outrage!
ReplyDeleteVery true, Erin. Heck, if we did THIS to a DOG we would be charged with criminal activity!! No where can you strap down a helpless creature and for your own 'pleasure' chop off a part of his/her healthy, functioning genitals. No where, that is, except a U.S. hospital, and only on baby boys.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, it is sickening!
ReplyDeleteI am utterly weeping.
ReplyDeleteWhen I got to the last photo of the baby, his vacant eyes are haunting. I just burst into tears. MY GOD, how does anyone actually stomach doing this to a person or passively observe this. I am sickened to my core. I cannot think of any form of torture that could evoke a stronger reaction in me.
ReplyDeleteI can't watch these vids. I want to puke. All I ever had to do is read the description of this to DH & he is a forever intactivist. Big bad Cop who''s seen body pieces/parts, suicides, etc... could NOT watch it after the description.
ReplyDeleteKaren - I agree - the dramatic change in his face from before the genital cutting (happy, content, normal newborn) to after the abuse (horrified, tears, terror, distant, withdrawn, untrusting)... HOW can anyone do this to their loved little one?! It is absolutely appalling and the most severe of human rights violations. To sexually assault a newborn baby at birth - what is wrong with us?!
ReplyDeleteHow do you deal with the anger? How do you deal with knowing that this happens to babies? I am at a very angry place at the moment and it saddens me deeply.
ReplyDeleteOMFG! I almost passed the f out! Thank goodness my boys never had to go through that. Thank goodness my husband is against it and it wasn't even a question for my family. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband & my two little (prepuce intact) guys ;) Anybody who circs their kids should see this. Or maybe not? The graphic detail might haunt them for the rest of their lives. Perhaps it could at least stop any future torturous mutilations.
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here with tears rolling down my face..how awful. Why would we willing, as mother's, do this to our sons? For what purpose? I just don't understand...teach proper hygiene..the possibility of a UTI as an adult is not a good reason. I think everyone should be educated on what happens here and then tell me how it is not mutilation. Poor sweet baby boy...sucking down sugar water. Makes my stomach hurt. Mama's protect your sons from this..get educated..I beg you...
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the amount of skin that's taken off..you can see it clasped in the forceps picture. it's no joke when they say 3/4 of a baby's penis is removed..awful.
ReplyDeleteHeartbreaking...absolutely heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteawww poor little guy... what a horrible experience!!!
ReplyDeleteHis poor sad face :( He looks so sad, that was heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteThose pictures make me cringe.. his little tears make me have tears!
ReplyDeleteThat made me want to hurl. I don't know how any parent justifies this mutilation.
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad we didn't cut Alex. You know, women get UTI's all the time and no one suggests circumcision. I know it's different on one level, but on another level, it's not.
ReplyDeleteSUCH a good point Karen and I am so thankful for mom's like you and Megan who are willing to educate themselves and make different choices for their babies. When we know better..we do better. :)
ReplyDeleteI want to hear Karen say it one more time "Oh f*ck no! NOT MY KID!"
ReplyDeleteKaren - so true - I had UTIs repeatedly as an infant and no one ever suggested amputating my prepuce. Phew. Thank the Lord I was born female.
ReplyDeleteThis little one's face - and how it changes from before to after is just horrifying. Before he is happy, content, normal, healthy...just gazing into the camera. After the genital cutting, he is terror and tear filled, distant, withdrawn, scared, untrusting...His eyes tell such a story. It is eternally upsetting. No wonder genitally cut up babies have such common problems in breastfeeding and attachment. Who wouldn't after such sexual trauma? This poor poor little baby...
We just have to end MGM today. Make it illegal to genital cut without reason ALL babies (female and male alike) http://www.mgmbill.org/ and in the meantime, educate and share accurate and complete information with loved ones around you so that they are in a position to make the best choice for their son. One based in truth and valid research, not one based in lies, myths and misconception.
I weep for the childs violated freedom
ReplyDeleteI just picked up the morning newspaper here in Vancouver and there's an item about how the gov't has just produced new guidelines for immigrants telling them in no uncertain terms that Canada will not allow them to import there "barbaric" customs such as genital mutilation. Must go get the document and see what we can do with the homegrown barbarism.
ReplyDeleteIf she is really a doula and the parents were hesitant to be with their son because they didn't want to see him in pain, she should've said, "You don't have to do this!". I have a hunch she encouraged this. Her bias is transparent when she removed the comments on her page.
ReplyDeleteI love Patti's MLK quote! This one fits the photos even better: "He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
ReplyDeleteYour arrogant hunch is so WRONG! Unbelievable you would assume I encouraged that circumcision. You blatantly judge me without knowing anything about the circumstances. You make it sound as though I got some kind of pleasure out of witnessing his torture.
I had called the pediatric office to ask if they would allow me to photograph a circumcision so I could use the photos for educational purposes. The parents of the baby who was circumcised gave the approval for the photography. I met them just minutes before the circumcision. Had I tried to "talk them out of it" ... I would have been asked to leave the office.
I talked with that baby, stroked his brow, held his hand, prayed for him and cried with him during the procedure, all while photographing the torture.
When it was over, and he looked at me with those tears in his beautiful eyes and the pacifier in his mouth, I almost passed out.
After posting those photos, I have received hundreds of emails from parents all around the world who have decided to not circumcise their sons after viewing my blog.
That one little boy's sacrifice has been a gift to thousands of other little newborn boys, which was my hopeful intention.
It was not necessary for me to say anything on my blog ... or add all of the angry, ugly comments that were sent to my blog comment page.
The photos are enough.
>>If she is really a doula and the parents were hesitant to be with their son because they didn't want to see him in pain, she should've said, "You don't have to do this!". I have a hunch she encouraged this. Her bias is transparent when she removed the comments on her page.<<
I am a mother of two, a 3 year old daughter and a newborn son. We did not find out the gender prenatally of either child. While pregnant with my daughter, my husband and I had a few mini discussions about circumcision. He wanted to and I didn't. His reasons for wanting to were pretty lame to me and I told him as much. Our daughter was born and so the discussion was tabled for a few years.
ReplyDeleteWhen we got pregnant again, we didn't have very many additional circumcision discussions. I also had never shown him any pictures or videos. But if the baby was a boy, I wanted to leave the decision up to my husband. I hoped and prayed that he would say no.
Now after seeing these pictures, every time I change my son's diaper, I am so thankful that he DID say no and my newborn son is intact.
Unfortunately, the page at Patti Ramos' site is gone. I hope she reconsiders putting the page back. It is too powerful to not be used to educate parents about the atrocity of routine infant circumcision.
ReplyDeleteYou can still view the photos. If you do a google search for 'Patty Ramos circumcision', it will bring the page up.. click on "Cached". Google still has the page with photos on the cache.
ReplyDeleteThank you for commenting here. I was one of the commenters on the original post, though I hope you remember my remarks were not ugly or angry (or, at least, certainly not directed AT you). I posted simply to ask two questions: one, what was that experience like for you, and two, what was it that motivated you to take these pictures in the first place.
You've answered those questions here, and I now understand your purpose and thank you for it. Brutal as they are, I, like the commenter above, hope you consider restoring them. The fact that you are receiving emails from parents who changed their minds is worth GOLD.
Again, thank you.
Anne, a.k.a. Dou-la-la
I feel sick- but so glad I looked at that. I am sending it to my husband, who is not convinced yet. I am trying to change his mind before we have a boy.
ReplyDelete"speedymom" - you (or your husband) may also be interested in some other sources here. The Penn & Teller piece seems to resonate with many men (however, there is 'adult' language within their broadcast). Their documentary is also on DVD and included with our info pack of research that I would be happy to mail you if you like (send a request to IntactInternational@gmail.com). Most of the documentary can be found here: http://drmomma.blogspot.com/2009/09/fatherson-matching-penises-stop.html
ReplyDeleteIf you are not familiar with all the functions of the foreskin, you may want to check out Dr. Fleiss and Dr. Hodges book, "What your doctor may not tell you about circumcision". A chapter of their book on the functions of the foreskin can be found here: http://drmomma.blogspot.com/2009/09/functions-of-foreskin-purposes-of.html
If there is more specific interests you have, let me know. A recent mother also wrote to tell of her experience in circumcising her sons - she wanted other moms to hear her story before going through it themselves: http://drmomma.blogspot.com/2009/11/my-beautiful-boy-i-am-sorry.html
I wish this was still up, the pictures were so moving.
ReplyDeleteThe photos are no longer viewable.
ReplyDeleteThe photos were removed several years ago. They are in small form here from someone else (unaware of the creator): https://www.flickr.com/photos/intactivist/5322886295/