Birth Matters Virginia, an exceptional childbirth education, support, and resource group to which I belong, recently hosted a birth video contest. The following videos were some of the stand-outs among the 40 entries received.
Judging was conducted by Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein (makers of The Business of Being Born), Dr. Sarah Buckley (internationally renowned obstetrician and author of Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering) and members of Birth Matters Virginia.
To learn more about each of the videos below, please see the Birth Matters contest page. And if you live in or around the state of Virginia, Birth Matters is an outstanding group to be a part of! There are several local chapters across the state.
Prevent Cesarean Surgery (1st Place Winner) by Ragan Cohen
The Nature of Natural Birth (2nd Place Winner) by Laura Alvarez
Misconception (3rd Place Winner) by Becky Carey
Natural Born Babies (Parts 1 & 2) by Kip Hewitt
It's Worth It by Kat Hickey
Do You Doula? by Julie Clevidence
Homebirth/Waterbirth of Judah Darwin by Rachel Zucker
Doulas Make A Difference by Marla Yeatts
Homebirth: DIY Labor & Delivery by Ryanne Hodson
You Have a Choice by Goodrich Creative
Thanks for posting my video here. I appreciate the work you put into your blog and informing people.